Page 60 of Hale on Earth

to lose you. That, Trophy, is the bigger loss.”

“Oh, Oran…”

The tears that threatened before spill, marking a trail down her cheeks. I kiss her nose as I collect them with my thumb. Our lips touch in the softest and sweetest kiss we’ve ever shared. I love having her body on mine. Her warmth reminds me she’s real. I take a slow and thorough taste of her mouth, sliding my tongue along hers, etching the moment in my memory as our first in love kiss.

Quickly, Karessa’s soft hums of pleasure as she presses her near naked body harder to mine has me switching the focus of our kiss. She matches my passion without missing a beat but stops to claw at my clothes.

“I’m sick of all the clothes, Oran. I want to touch your skin, not your version of a nun’s habit,” she grumbles as her impatient fingers pull at my shirt while unbuttoning it.

Her comment pulls a surprised laugh out of me.

“Baby, my thoughts are too dirty to even sit next to a nun.” I rub my thumb over the only piece of fabric she’s wearing to tease her clit. Karessa bites her bottom lip and squirms for more friction. “I can write a book about all the things I want to do to your pussy. I can’t be naked, it’s very detrimental to your goal. I. Won’t. Stop.” Karessa inhales sharply when I bypass her underwear and stick two fingers inside of her. My dick is at full mast after the first few pumps of my fingers. “I’m addicted to your moans and orgasms. Like a true addict, I’ll do everything I can to get them.”

“Give it to me, Oran.”

“Give you what?”

“Your virginity.”

Karessa antics amuse me. “You’re about twenty years too late for that request.”

We both know there aren’t any virgins present, but her jealous pout is adorable.

“But,” I supply. “You will be my most important, memorable, and last when the time comes.”

Karessa stares at me with desire so bright her eyes look almost emerald.

“Now, Oran.”

Chapter 32


Oran’s eyes buck with surprise and he blinks a few times as if wondering if he’d heard me correctly. I’ve seen the pain of abstaining from sex on his face. I’ve felt the pain. We’re still five months away and it feels like five years. At this rate, I must deal with the consequences if they occur.

I run my fingers through the hair on his now exposed chest. It’s soft and is just the right amount. Circling one of his nipples,I follow the hair as it tapers over his abs and into a line that disappears into his pants.

Oran lies back on the chaise lounge and tucks his arms behind his head.

“Did you hear me?” I ask him with a tug at his belt.

His smile is brilliant yet predatory when he flashes his pretty teeth.

He’s so damn attractive. Especially when he’s the carefree man he used to be.

“Yes. I’m giving you access. Your decision, your move.”

It’s my turn to stare. My raging hormones are slowing down my brain activity.


Oran’s hands cup my breasts, and his fingers tease my nipples.

“I’m all yours. Drop your pussy on me and claim me as your husband.”

His legs move underneath me, and the thud of each shoe hitting the concrete ring out in rapid succession.

This is really happening!