Page 56 of Hale on Earth

My day with Ainslee and some new outfits was much needed time away from the hormones and Oran. It was also very illuminating. What started out as a brief consideration of a shirt that would highlight his eyes turned into full-blown-husband-missing

by the time we were wrapping up. I loved every minute of bonding with Ainslee, but I fidgeted more the closer we got to the villa. I’d checked my phone a few times but have received no messages. That big bully has worked his way into my system so effectively that I can’t get him out.

“You miss him,” Ainslee points out. I look at her sitting next to me with a knowing smile on her lightly pink-glossed lips. I miss him, I know why, and I don’t like it. “It’s okay to say it out loud. I already know.”

I toy with the skirt of my new patterned sundress. He may have been obnoxious with his delivery, but I understand what he was saying: he’d like for me to cover up. I kept it in mind while I was shopping and made more modest choices. I’m not changing how I dress for him, but I will consider our sexless state since he’s doing it for me.

“Well,” Ainslee prompts gently.

“Fine,” I say reluctantly. “I love him.”

She’s right. It helps to say it out loud. This way, it’s not some crazy idea bouncing around inside my head. It’s released into the universe. Ainslee beams and squeezes my hand excitedly.

“I don’t know how he did it, yet here we are. He pisses me off, yet I can’t wait to see him.”

“I didn’t know I was in love with Jagger. If you would’ve told me at my wedding that I’d be in love with Jagger, I probably would’ve tried to fight you. They’re these big assholes, and when you’re ready to punch them in the throat, they do or say something unexpected yet ridiculously thoughtful and sweet and make us wonder if they’re the same person.”

I nod empathetically because someone gets it.

“Yes! I’m so confused.”

Ainslee pats my hand. “Don’t be. Just allow yourself to free fall. He’s a good guy.” I nod while I fight tears. “Get it out, girl.” She chews her lip as she falls into deep thought, then looks at me again. “Since you’re sharing, I’ll share too. Do you remember that stop we made?”

“Yes, when you went to check on your medicine?”

“Except, I had a theory and went to check it.” Ainslee flashes the brilliant smile people have when they’re giving news they were dying to share. “I’m pregnant!”

“Oh, wow! Congratulations!? I exclaim and pull her into a hug since we’re now parked in front of the villa. “You two were not playing around. I can’t say it’s a shock.”

Ainslee laughs at my observation. “I breathe wrong and Jagger jumps me, but I love it.”

“We all know.” She laughs at my teasing.

“Sorry,” she says automatically.

“But not sorry, right? I wouldn’t be.”

I squeeze her again. “But, really. I’m so happy for you two and I have wonderful baby shower ideas. I’d be more than happy to help you when the time comes. Since you don’t have sisters, I love to fill in.”

“I’d love that.” She tears up, and I follow until we look at each other and laugh. “Okay, Karessa, no crying during makeup time.”

Chapter 31


While the girls were out doing God knows what, I put Karessa’s clothes back where they were. Knowing her, she’ll be dressed in something different when I see her. It didn’t work. Even with that bland ass outfit, I still was fighting the urge to fuck her. I’m screwed either way. Maybe I should take her up on that two houses offer to make it through the next few months. We’re going out tonight, maybe some fresh air and dancing will be a pleasant distraction from her and the feelings she’s pulling out of me more every day.

The cold bite of the water halts my thoughts as I refocus on shutting it off. I’ve been in the shower too long. Stepping out, I realize I’ve grabbed the wrong damn towel. I dry my body as much as I can so I’m not dripping. My feet eat up the cold tile as I head to the armoire in our room to get the right towel.

I’m three quarters of the way when the bedroom door swings open. Whatever Karessa was about to say dies on her glossy lips. Stunned. That’s the best way I can describe her. Her lips are moving but not words form as her green eyes trail my body like one of the drops or water that escaped my hair.

Giving up on modesty, I turn to face her and use the towel to dry my hair. I’ve avoided being in any state of undress around her. I’m not sure if I can control myself. Karessa is struggling to keep her eyes above my chest. Her curiosity wins as I expected, but the unconscious licking of her lips as she gives into her desire to look has my dick twitching.

“If you keep looking at it like that, Trophy, it will pop up to meet you.” The huskiness of my voice is surprising to my ears. Her ability to arouse me by just existing should not be surprising at this point.

Karessa eyes remain on my dick. I’m not sure if she heard me or ignored me, but my nerves churn when she takes a step closer. It’ll be harder to put a stop to anything naked. My body knows that and my being hums with the creed of I-wish-she-would. Part of her hair is straight and the other half is in black waves, it looks like she was in the middle of styling it but came in here for a reason. A reason she’s forgotten, because she is moving closer to me like my dick has hypnotized and is beckoning her.

“You came in here for something,” I whisper, attempting to get her on track. My dick continues to harden the closer she gets.