Page 54 of Hale on Earth


Chapter 30


“Oran, have you seen my bathing suits? I had them all in one suitcase.”

“Nope.” The way he says it proves he’s lying. “But, this is unrelated, I picked up some pool and beach clothes for you while I was out.”

I can tell by the way his gray eyes shine that I will like nothing in the bags he’s holding, but women are curious creatures so I stick out my hand making him cross farther into our room to hand them over.

His black t-shirt makes him look sultry, giving me flashbacks to the other night of the way his tongue felt inside of me and the way his beard tickled my inner thigh as I came on his face. I want that and more until I’m contemplating testing his reaction to me being naked under my robe.

What would he do if I opened my robe and dropped it?

His eyes darken with lust as if he could read my mind.

“Don’t toy with me, Trophy. You haven’t changed your mind.”

Maybe he can read my mind.

With a huff, I grab the bags and begin rummaging for something to wear. As suspected. It’s all ugly.

“I hope you have your receipt. None of this will do.”

“It will have to do. Since your clothes are missing.”

I pull out a Spandex or polyester nightmare that’s covered in rainbow unicorns.

“What in the hell is this, Oran?”

“A unisuit, I got the one with built in shorts since you love shorts so much.”

“I’m not a surfer. Why in the hell would I need to cover my entire body on vacation?”

I pull out two more. One in all black, and the other is covered in blue dolphins.

“Just don’t want you to catch a cold.” he shrugs like he’s being considerate.

Pulling him close. I give him a kiss. Since he’s been going out of his way for the last two days to not touch me, I’m craving his nearness.

“Return my clothes or I’ll walk around just like this.” I point at my silky robe.

“As long as you stay in this room, knock yourself out.” He dumps out the bag and holds a shirt and skirt in front of me. “Here put this on. It’s time for lunch.”

I blow him a raspberry and go to the drawer where I’d placed my clothes. Empty.

“This isn’t funny.” I round on him fast enough for my hair to hit me in the face. Oran chuckles as I push it out to glare at him properly. “I want my clothes, now!” I stomp my foot to emphasize my vexation.

Oran mocks me and stomps his. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. We’ll put out a missing clothes report to the authorities.”

I snatch the clothes from him because I’m starving and the food the chef is making smells delicious.

“A fucking turtleneck?” I yell as I drop my robe. Oran’s amusement drops to fascination as he studies my nude body.

“Don’t even think about it.” I shimmy into my undies and buckle my bra. “Since you’re hellbent on covering me up, find something other to do than touching or looking at me.”

The sun bouncing in from the lace curtains bathe him in light, enhancing his eyes and the contrast between his skin and black hair. I fight the urge to toy with the cleft in his perfect chin because I have a point to prove. Slipping into the ankle-length plaid skirt, I take my drab green turtleneck wearing ass out of the room without another word. He forgets, I’m not the financially exiled person he’d met, I have my own money and means to get a new wardrobe.