Page 34 of Hale on Earth

His statements from his office return and make me feel weak to my knees.


“Come,” he summons me in a cool tone that dares me to disobey as he shrugs off his blazer

Like there’s an invisible tether between us, I move across the kitchen to him without argument. As he removes his tie and rolls up his sleeves, his gray eyes survey my pale blue tank top and pink floral yoga booty shorts. When the bounce back to my tank, I wonder if he can tell my nipples have already hardened from his perusal. Oran grabs me once I’m in arm’s reach. The rush of excitement I always feel when he’s close has my body tingling. His low beard tickles me before he takes his kiss.

Already hot, I moan into his mouth but he pulls away once it gets good.

“Who am I?” He rasps in my ear.

“Oran Hale?”

I’m confused by the question but will answer anything for him to put his lips on me again. His still crisp shirt teases my fingertips and I can feel his heartbeat just below them. The dark gray eyes shrink to slits as he grabs my chin without easing the hold on my waist.

“To you, Trophy. Who am I to you?”

It’s hard to concentrate, his mouth is already exploring my neck. My knees get weak when he sucks on the skin at the junction of my neck and shoulder.

“Hu… my husband?”

“Say it with conviction, woman.”

“You’re my husband,” I say as firmly as I can with my blood roaring in my ears. Oran has taken me too deep into arousal, too fast with just his mouth.

Oran has me sitting on the island with my tank top down to my waist, exposing my breasts faster than I can process.

“Did you know people learn better when something impactful happens to them right after the lesson?”


Oran’s body glows with mischief and dirty promises.

“Who am I?” he repeats.

“My husba- ohhh!”

My response drops into a moan when he bites one nipple while squeezing the other. The intense sensation has my clit throbbing. I whisper his name because I don’t have enough breath for anything else. My fingers slide through his almost black waves as he teases my nipples with his mouth and fingers, switching to give both equal attention. My nipples have been sucked and teased before. I’m not a virgin who was waiting for Oran, but there’s something about him and the way he does it that has me on the verge of climaxing from nipple play.

Oran stops and pushes me back so quickly that the chill of the island feels like a shock to my skin.

“And who are you to me?” His intense eyes hold my gaze, daring me to say the wrong thing.

“Your wife,” I answer with certainty because now I know a

prenup or an annulment won’t change how I feel about him. He already commands my being.

I don’t understand the exact emotion he’s displaying, but my brain shuts down the moment he nips at my naughty bits through my shorts. He inhales me like he’s being deprived then hits me with a lustful look as his tongue caresses his lips.

“It’s your fault. If you didn’t come to my office like an asshole. I wouldn’t have gotten a taste, nor would I be craving more…”

I’m confused until he tugs at my shorts. I lift my hips to assist him, hoping I’m thinking what he’s thinking. Also, I don’t want him to rip my favorite shorts. Oran only cares about what he wants right now and the moment my shorts aren’t obstructing his mission, he dips his head between my legs and electrifies me with his tongue. I don’t care that my shorts barely got past my knees and his impatient ass dipped his head underneath then between my legs to get to my slit because two firm strokes of his tongue already has me barrelling towards an orgasm.

His moans vibrate against my sensitive skin like he’s starving and I’m his dinner. All modesty and properness flies out the window; Oran has me sounding like I’m in amateur porn, screaming my encouragement for him to keep going. His tongue is the perfect mix between hard thrusts and teasing flicks on my clit. I’m done when his fingers join. My body contracts around them while his mouth focuses solely on sucking my clit.

“Fuck, Oran,” I yell in agony from release because he won’t let up.

He keeps prolonging it until it rolls into an extra one. I fear I’m not built for this level of intensity as my body melds with the quartz surface. I’ve surrendered. I don’t have the energy to fight. I give myself over to Oran’s sexual will.