Page 77 of Hale on Earth

Pivoting, I pull myself out of his hold and paste on a fake smile. According to Criminal Minds, freaking out is the wrong thing to do in the presence of crazy.

“Elmer! You scared me. Why aren’t you at the mansion for the party?” I’m hoping stalling will give Oran time to arrive.

Elmer, however, already seems triggered and is not interested in small talk. He has dark circles around his eyes as if he hasn’t been sleeping well.

“You weren’t supposed to fall in love with him,” he grouses, his fists clenching and unclenching. I remain silent because I’m out of my element. “You were mine. I’d won you. You’re supposed to be my wife.”

My sick feeling turns into horror. This must be the gritty detail my dad was withholding. I take a step back, but he follows.

“I was promised to Oran.” Elmer’s frown deepens and I feel this situation slipping out of my control. Damn the ribbons and party supplies. They aren’t helpful in crises. “Okay, let’s get my dad and Oran here and figure it out,” I offer shakily while trying and failing to put space between us.

“It’s too late!” His bellow makes my lip tremble. “I saw you sucking his dick like a whore.” He grabs me and shakes me as he rants. “All you had to do was wait six months and we could have been together, but you jumped him like the slut you are.”

“He’s my husband,” I cry. Playing it cool didn’t help, but maybe tears will.

“He only married you to keep you from me. It was supposed to be our wedding! He knew that. That ungrateful bastard is always trying to spite me.”

Elmer’s confession hurts. Oran’s one-eighty on his decision to marry me makes sense.

He’s a sizable man, but I cannot go out like this. “Let me go.” I pump as much steel in my voice as I can.

“No. Since you ruined our forever, I’m taking what’s mine.”

I block the kiss to my lips, turning my head fast enough to feel his wet lips on my check. I struggle in his hold, trying to remember some sort of self defense. If I could just get outside.

Fuck it. The uppercut hurt my hand as much as it hurt his chin, but he let me go. I try to run, but he grabs me again. Swinging around, I chop him in the throat and make him cough. Elmers longer legs have him catching me again to knock me to the ground.

“You bitch!” He yells in my face, his rage turning his face red.

“Let me go! I will tell my dad!”

“Not if you can’t breathe.”

Speaking of which. He hollers when the heel of my hand connects with his nose. It’s enough to wiggle, but he still has me pinned.

The asshole rips at my dress. I scream, but his sweaty palm mutes me.

“We could’ve-” Elmers sentence is interrupted when a black shoe flies over my head and connects with his face.

Elmer falls backward, and Oran growls, “You’re dead.” In midair as he lunges at him.

I know a victim should feel relief or some other potent emotion when they’re saved, but I feel rage.

Hot, irrational rage.

Chapter 39


The level of fear I felt when I heard Karessa scream from the parking lot fueled my anger when I found my dad on top of her. I think he’s a lot of things, but I didn’t guess this one. If I’d known he’d resort to attacking my wife, I would have beat his ass a long time ago. He clutches his face when I land on top of him, but I don’t give a damn about his pain. I hit him with body blows until he drops his hands then punch him in the nose. If it wasn’t broken before, it is now.

“You attacked my wife?” I growl at him with another hit.

“She was mine,” he whimpers underneath me.

Karessa kicks him in the side before he can respond. She pushes me out of the way and begins attacking him with a mixture of punches and slaps.

“I’m not a whore, slut, or a bitch,” she rants with her rapid fire hits that I doubt he feels. “Two hours for my hair and makeup just for you to fuck it up!”