Page 5 of Hale on Earth

“Good for you.”

Her eyes flicker with challenge. “You’re not going to help me?”

“I helped, I’m paying for the storage. How you get your stuff inside of it isn’t my problem.”

I put my hand out palm up and wiggle my fingers at her, silently telling her to unhand my credit card.

She slams against my palm as she calls me an asshole under her breath. I have her by her ponytail before she can whip all the way around. Twisting it, I pull her to my chest, breathing in her sweetness once more. The curve of her lips and the widening of her eyes tells me there’s still so much innocence ripe for corruption. I think of so many ways I can break her and shatter her manicured control. Karessa struggles, trying to break from my hold, but it’s useless. Sliding my card in my pocket, I use my now free hand to wrap it around her throat. My thumb rests on her pulse. The skittering excites me in ways I haven’t considered in a long time.

“Let me go,” she demands with authority she doesn’t feel. We both know who’s in control.

“You’re not sounding very grateful.” I lean in unnecessarily close until we’re breathing each other. “I suggest you shelf the attitude. You still need to eat and a place to wash your ass and go to sleep. Do you want to sleep in your fucking storage container?”

Her eyes blaze with hurt and anger, but I find it arousing.

“Why are you so mean?”

“I’m just being myself. If you want my help, you take what I give you, understand?”

She focuses on my lips for a moment before giving me her full attention. The air between us crackles. I want to tell it to mind it’s fucking business. I need to get rid of her. She nods as much as she can in her position. I would hold her to me until she gives me a verbal acknowledgement, but my overactive dick grows harder with each breath her soft body takes. I release her before she notices and gets the wrong idea.

“Now, hurry the fuck up.”

Chapter 3


After a good shower, I pace in my hotel room trying to figure out how to get out of this mess. Attractiveness can only go so far. Oran or as I like to call him, Hell, is twisted. He takes pleasure in making my life hell and I’m not sure I can marry him without trying to kill him. I’d be moving from one cell to the other. Plopping down on the adequate bed, I rub my weary feet as the memory of him leaning on his vehicle, watching me move piece by piece of my belonging into the unit. He’d only lift a hand for the big items that were impossible for me to move alone. That is no way to treat a lady.

Although my family is rich, I’ve never elevated myself to a spoiled socialite. The scene wasn’t for me and my sisters were entertainment enough. I don’t have a lot of friends outside of my family who’s now barred from speaking to me until I follow through with my father’s wishes. I’m being put through hell because he’s bad at poker. Why was I a bargaining chip, anyway? Tears prick my eyes, but I refuse to shed th

em. There has to be another way. Maybe if my dad knew how Oran treated me, he’ll change his mind. It’s worth a shot.

Dondi LeClaire picked up on the first ring.

“Hey, Ressa. Did you go meet your fiance?”

“You and Mr. Hale left me no choice.”

I know the saying about catching things with honey, but I can’t keep the bitterness out of my voice.

“Darling, I told you I’d unfreeze your accounts once you’re married.”

“What about your accounts? You’re the one making irrational decisions. You bet your own daughter and put me through hell to make good on a promise that wasn’t yours to give,” I hiss. “Just passed me off like a slave or a two-bit whore-”

“Watch your mouth, young lady.”

“It’s too late for that, dad. You sold me to a guy who doesn’t want to get married. Who thinks I’m the bane of his existence. Who literally placed me on the cabinet with the rest of his trophies because that’s all I am. Something else his daddy bought for him. I hope it was worth whatever you were trying to get.”

I was on speaker or yelling because I can hear my mom sobbing in the background. Save your tears, lady, he’s not changing his mind. The damage is done. Hell didn’t become ruthless all by himself, he had to learn it from someone; his dad will not let mine back out of this agreement.

“I-I know sweetheart,” my dad softens his voice and I know there’s a “but” coming. “It was stupid, but it’s done. Our lawyers are discussing your prenups. I’m working on an easy out clause for you. I just need to fulfil my part.”

“It would have been easier to have never sold me at all!”

“We’re past that now. You have to tough it out at this point.”

“He made me unpack my entire apartment from the moving truck by myself in heels. He only lifted the heavy stuff.”