Page 48 of Hale on Earth

“Just don’t remember you making any,” he retorts.

“I don’t remember you making any, either.”

“But I can.” Our exchange seems to have gotten the interest of the rest of the table.

“As I’m sure I can.”

Oran points at me. “All I heard is, can’t bake.”

Ainslee claps excitedly. “New segment because all I hear is bake off. We can do it like that one show. I’ll make something and you two have to duplicate it.”

Normally, I’d find a way to get out of it, but Ainslee looks too excited for me to be a Debbie downer. Oran, on the other hand…

“I’m in,” he announces with a smile that suggests he knows I don’t want to do it.

Ainslee claps. “This will be fun.” she turns to Jagger. “Ba-”

“Fuck no, Ains. Not happening.”

She rolls her eyes at him. “Can you at least film it?” She turns back to us before he answers. “I’ve got an idea! Let’s recreate part of your wedding cake. This is a honeymoon and all. What was your favorite flavor?”

“I don’t have a favorite flavor. Use Karessa’s,” Oran volunteers.

“And what flavor is that?” I ask him knowing he doesn’t know.

Oran rubs his beard as if it helps him search his memory. “Vanilla raspberry with cream cheese icing. Add chocolate if she’s cranky.”

“Really, Oran? Another tidbit you somehow pulled out of your ass?”

“Nope. That’s the tier you hijacked from the wedding when you left mad at me. That’s what we ate when I found you.”

“Is he right?” Ainslee inquires full of hope.

“Yes,” I concede.

“Liam, what’s my fav-”

“Don’t start that shit, baby.”

Everyone laughs when Ainslee hits him. She disappears and comes back with a notebook as I clean the table.

“I’ll write a list of things we’ll need. You guys will get it. And Karessa and I will stay back and prepare the kitchen.”

Oran helps me move all the dishes to the counter and since I don’t have access to a dishwasher, I’ll be doing it old school.

He grabs me for a goodbye kiss I wasn’t expecting and he pulls away with a smile just when I am about to melt.

“You’re going down, Trophy.”

Chapter 28


I get to work washing the dishes. Ainslee shows up a few minutes later and begins rising and drying.

“Thanks again for dinner. It was great.”

“No, problem. It was nice doing something with Oran that didn’t involve dancing around sexual tension.”