Page 46 of Hale on Earth

Chapter 27


“You two go relax and I’ll make dinner.”

Ainslee looks at me with big gray eyes that’s lighter than Oran’s. “Are you sure? You’re on vacation too. Maybe we should just go out.”

She looks at Jagger who shrugs like it’s up to her, but I feel like we came back for a reason.

“No. It’s fine. I want to cook,” I assure her. “The chef is off tonight, but I’m sure he stocked the kitchen.”

“Everything she’s cooked for me has been delicious,” Oran endorses with a kiss to my temple.

That nervous yet giddy feeling I used to get from him looking at me returns. My cheeks heat as I forget how to speak for a second. It feels silly to be flustered by a man who’s already seen me naked, but I’m still processing my enhanced feelings.

“You two go, like Karessa said, and we’ll take care of it,” Oran assures them as he shoos them away. He turns to me with his hands in his pockets. It’s unnerving being under his scrutiny. I swear his stormy gaze can see my thoughts. “You okay?”

I lie my head on his chest to avoid being studied. Oran’s arms wrap around me. His hand, warm over my cover-up, rubs my back as if I need to be comforted. He’s big, solid, and strong. Although my feelings for him are scaring me, I’ve never felt safer.

“I’m fine. Just still adjusting to the time difference.”

“You don’t have to cook if you’re too tired.”

I shake my head and look up at him. “I want to.”

“Okay.” He accepts my decision and kisses me on the forehead. “Change and I’ll help you. How’s that?”

Dammit. He’s being considerate again.

“That’ll be fun.” Reluctantly, I pull away from his body. “I’ll be back. Do inventory while I take off this bikini, please.”

With his shades missing, I’m privy to the exact look in his eyes.

“Or I can do inventory while taking off your bikini.”

“Oran! Everything is where it’s supposed to be. Promise.”

“Except my dick.”

Oran smiles at the look I give him before I disappear out of his view. I feel less flustered the farther I get from him. Oran melts my mind until I’m a walking pile of needy hormones. I take my time changing, delaying as much as I can to retrain myself to wait and not embarrass myself by jumping him in the kitchen.

I return once I feel ridiculous for hiding too long. I hear Oran curse underneath his breath, then familiar music playing. Sneaking around the corner, I find him leaning with his butt against the counter and one long leg crossed over the other as his black brows furrow as he frowns at the phone he’s holding in his hand horizontally.

Quietly, I pounce. Oran jumps and his phone flies out of his hand. I catch it to examine the screen.

“Ah. Ha!” I exclaim once I confirm my theory. “You’re watching Outlander, Mr. Paassss!”

Oran shrugs and pulls me close until I’m between his legs and pressed to his chest.

“Okay, fine. I want to know where it goes, now.” He gets a far off look as he analyzes what he saw. “First, I wanted her to get back to her husband, then I didn’t care about the husband because his ancestor was the worst.” Oran’s beautiful face pulls into a grimace. “If that isn’t all consuming love, I don’t know what is. Few men would sacrifice themselves in such a way to save his wife’s life.”

“Do you think some people could love that selflessly? I mean he wasn’t right for awhile after that.”

Oran is wearing the slight scowl that covers his face when he’s thinking deeply. “I believe so, yes.” There are those flutters again. Oran openly looks at me with something I can’t fully comprehend but makes my breathing shallow. His hands miraculously - I’m being sarcastic - finds my ass. “Especially with what she was teaching him in the bedroom.”

“Ah, your one track mind. What else have you seen so far?”

“I hate that he had to kill someone who he thought was family because he didn’t trust him enough to give him the benefit of doubt. It’d kill me if Jagger and I came to blows over a misunderstanding because he didn’t trust I’d do the right thing.”