Sweat trickles from my hairline and down my temple, with more already forming in its place. My blood heats, gradually growing warmer until it becomes a full-rolling boil.
A shout rings out through the room as I throw myself back, slapping my hands across my chest as I claw at it, trying to rip out the useless fucking muscle underneath.
My blunt nails dig into soft flesh, and the sensation of something warm underneath my fingertips sends me into a frenzy. I’m irrevocably gone as I savagely mutilate my skin, shredding it—all to no avail.
My numb hands drop from my heaving torso to hang by my sides, blood dripping from my fingertips.
“He never wanted me,” I croak. “I was used, again.” My voice cracks, and I wince at how pathetic I sound, but I’m unable to stop the words cascading off my tongue.
“I’m not worth anything to anyone. Just a means to an end—or f-for fucking re-revenge.” I’m unhinged with hiccups and sobs fueled solely by unrequited love.
“Oh-oh, God. Fuck, I lo-love him.”
My heart shatters, splintering off into microscopic pieces—all of which imbed into my muscles, my organs, anything within reach. The pain lances through my nervous system, frying it at such a degree, it completely disintegrates everything, leaving me with phantom aches—like I’m missing a limb, though it was never my limb to lose. Just one I wanted but was never mine to take.
He fucking destroyed me. I may not have been much when he got his hands on me, but whatever was left, it’s gone now. Fucking obliterated.
On legs I can’t feel, I stand and take a look around me, at the house I’ve been living in for the last two weeks—a house where I was owned, fucked, wanted. Or so I thought.
With a deceptively quiet silence, I grab my phone out of the kitchen and hit the call button on Jay’s number as I make my way to Everett’s bedroom.
As the tone rings in my ear, I kick my way past the shit I knocked over on my way to the closet. I yank down one of his white T-shirts and throw it on, fighting back the sob that builds in my throat from his smell permanently wafting in my nose with every unwilling breath.
“Dom?” Jay’s voice breaks the tone.
“I need you to come get me,” I tell him as I slam the sliding door closed with such force, it jumps off its track and ends up hanging cock-eyed.
“What? Please don’t tell me you’re on the side of the fucking road again, man. I’ve been worried—”
“I’m not. I’ll send you my location like last time, okay? And make it fast because my phone’s about to die.” I pull my phone away from my ear to hang up when a thought hits me.
“Bring coke.”
“Dom, I can’t—”
“Don’t fucking tell me you can’t. I know you can, so if you ever want to see me again, bring some.” I hang up with a growl and text him a drop pin to Rhett’s house before shoving my phone into my pocket.
My sternum heaves with my deep breaths to the point of hyperventilation.
I’m so fucking stupid. Obsession clouded my mind to the point of delirium, and now I’ve been hit with the brutally harsh reality I’ve really been living in.
I don’t know what I’m doing, where I’m going. I just need to get… away from him and his life, from his control over me. With it already being eight P.M., he could be back at any moment which fucking terrifies me because I know if I see him, it’ll all be over.
He’ll touch me, and his skin on mine will work through my body like a slow, painful death, forever molding me to him.
But that’s already happened.
Now, I’m just a walking fucking corpse.