“Oh, God,” I cry, throwing my head back onto Rhett’s shoulder. His teeth sink into my trapezius as we both moan and shudder together, working our way down from the most rapturous high of my life.
Or one of them…
My legs give out, and I collapse onto the carpet, uncaring of the sticky mess underneath me. Rhett slowly pulls out of me, leaving me feeling empty inside. I clench around nothing, hating the feeling.
A hard smack lands on my cheek, and I startle. Rhett drops down to my side, his face mere inches from mine. He throws his arm over my waist and closes his eyes. I carefully roll to my side, making sure not to disturb his grip on me, and watch as he slowly sinks into sleep, becoming unaware of his surroundings.
It’s fascinating to me, seeing his guard down. He still has a crease between his brows, as if he’s in a permanent state of agitation. It makes my heart squeeze, and I rub the heel of my hand against my skin, trying to ease the ache, but it’s useless.
He’s slithered his way inside of me, like a cold-blooded snake, deeper than anyone has been.
I’ve never been so terrified to die in my entire life.
Not even when I had Essa in my arms.
As I lie here, with Rhett’s arm wrapped around me, it’s impossible to ignore what I think I feel for him, what I’m absolutely fucking petrified is happening to me.