Seth: Why, Rhett? You don’t want me…
I resist the urge to roll my eyes, which I fail at. Right now, I don’t fucking want resistance. I want Seth here, plaint and ready for a quick, hard fuck. I want “daddy” to spill from his lips, something I haven’t had in so fucking long…
I used to need it every time I fucked, but with Dominik—
Nope. Absolutely not.
My thumbs fly over the keys.
Me: You have 20 minutes. Bring a condom.
I don’t bother alluding to the fact that if he doesn’t show up, he’ll never see me again. He knows that if our last conversation was any indication. I know he wants me more than he should, and if I have to use his neediness against him, well—he’s merely a pawn to get me through whatever bullshit is in my head.
I swipe up my beer and head out through the door, already pulling a cigarette out. After placing it between my teeth, I pull my zippo out of my pocket and light the end. I dig my thumb into the sharp, warped metal, enjoying the familiar sting as the smoke from the cigarette between my lips curls up and burns my nostrils.
This very lighter—one that was my Pops’s—was used to heat the drugs that I shot into Dominik’s arm. I should feel elated. I do. But fuck. It’s so much more complicated than it should be.
That’s the problem. It shouldn’t be this complex. The whole plan was simple: make Dominik need me by using his addiction against him. Then, slowly drag him to his demise. Straightforward. Or it should have been.
But him needing me did something inside of me. This twisting in my gut…
I inhale the last drag of nicotine before stubbing it out and flicking it into the night. By the time I make it back to my spot, it seems the crowd in here has multiplied, but they’ve all just pushed their way to the front of the small bar to be front and center for the local indie metal rock band performing.
“Rhett,” Seth’s voice sounds next to me, then I feel his body press against mine. I fight the smirk threatening to splay on my face at his predictability, but also in relief that he came after all. “What am I doing here?”
“You’re here to be fucked. But you already knew that.” I shoot him a look over my shoulder, my hair falling in front of my eyes. He’s pursing his lips, fighting a grin of his own.
“Apparently, I can’t say no to you.”
I lean down until my lips brush his ear. “Bathroom, now.” Seth pulls away from me and flicks a heated look in my direction before weaving through the crowd, beelining for the bathroom. So fucking easy.
Deciding to make him wait like the desperate slut he is, I finish off the rest of my beer, one sip at a time. I spin the bottle between my fingers, unable to hear the clank of it on the slightly sticky wood beneath because the band has started playing, and the bass is fucking vibrating through my spine.
But that’s good. They won’t be able to hear us in the bathroom. It will be a quick in and out, and I’ll fucking feel better.
With my newfound resolve, I push away from the bar and push my way past people. I round the corner into the short, dimly-lit hall where the bathrooms are located. My gut twists with every step I take, but instead of crippling at the pain, I endure it, allowing it to fuel my decision.
I can’t fucking feel this.
My feet stop of their own accord when I reach the wooden bathroom door. Sweat trickles down the back of my neck, trailing down my spine, and causing my shirt to stick to my damp skin.
I run my fingers through my hair, pushing it back until it falls behind my ears. Heat tingles my skin to the point I’m just about crawling out of my skin to rip my shirt off over my head.
My jaw aches the harder I press my molars together. “Goddamnit,” I growl and yank the door open, stepping inside. My eyes immediately fall to a fidgeting Seth leaning against the wall off to the side of the two, small white sinks.
The door slams shut behind me, the sound causing Seth to flinch slightly. He crosses his arms over his chest when he finally meets my gaze. “Took you long enough.”
I scoff as I flip the lock on the door. “You seem to have grown a pair since I saw you last.” I take a step toward him, relishing in the way his lips part, giving me a glimpse of his pink tongue.
“It’s quite comical.” I step into his space, pressing my front against his. Seth sucks in a deep breath at my close proximity, and his ribs dig into me. Dominik’s pale, angular body flits through my mind’s eye, specifically his torso, each divot between each rib covered in dark purple bruises…
I wrap my hand around Seth’s throat, hating the heat that pools in my groin—not at the thought of the tight and willing ass right in front of me, but the one passed out in my fucking bed.
“On your knees.” I release his throat and step back, giving him just enough room to drop in front of me—which he does. The room is too dim for me to see his eyes clearly, but I know they’re dilated in heated anticipation for my cock in his throat.
My fingers grip the edge of one of the small sinks as Seth works the button on my jeans, popping it free before moving onto my zipper, practically yanking it off the teeth to get it down. I roll my head back on my shoulders and let my eyes fall closed. My cock is exposed to the humid air as my jeans fall to my ankles.
“Daddy,” Seth whines, and I peel my eyes open to glare down at him. “Why aren’t you hard for me?” I startle at his words, my gaze dropping to my—flaccid dick.