I forgot he has his nipples pierced.

I drag my eyes up from his chest to his throat. He has a beard, though it’s not long, and seems freshly trimmed. It’s a dark brown color with a reddish tint to it, making his dark blue eyes stand out through his long, reddish-brown hair hanging down his face.

Am I checking him out? I’m checking him out—of my own volition. My mind is reeling, overstimulated and confused. I don’t know what’s happening to me.

He grabs a towel from the shelf above the toilet and hands it to me. “Brush your teeth, then show me to your room.”

After wrapping the white towel around my waist and somehow managing to scrub my teeth clean, I turn around, but stumble again because I’m so fucking weak. His fingers grab my naked shoulder in a tight grip, keeping me upright. My chest heaves as I gain my momentum before walking through the doorway and down the hall to my bedroom.

Once I shuffle inside, I’m instantly assaulted with the horrid smell of stale cigarettes and alcohol. I stand in the doorway, blinking heavily at my room. Images of Essa laying on my bed, curled into a ball with my blanket surrounding her like a cocoon flit through my mind, and my lip curls in disdain.

I trip over bottles and clothes and whatever else before falling onto my bed with Rhett close behind. He flicks me on the back of my head, and I manage to curl on my side, facing the wall, pliant as can be. “Take these,” he tells me, and I part my lips without protest. He drops the pills into my mouth, and I swallow them easily, with no resistance aside from the sandpapery feeling in my throat.

My eyes close as I wait for the pills to kick in, but just knowing I have them inside of me now, filtering into my bloodstream, brings a sense of relaxation I haven’t felt in twenty-four hours.

The ringing of a phone shatters the silence of the room.

“What do you want?” Rhett barks into the phone. Well, at least I’m not the only one he speaks to like that.

Someone talks on the other end, but I can’t hear anything they’re saying. I keep my eyes closed as I focus on the sound of my breathing. Well, mine and Rhett’s. He always seems two seconds away from exploding, but in the calmest manner. I don’t know what to make of it, other than it’s intimidating.

“I’m busy, Seth. We’ll talk later.” He hangs up abruptly, the dial tone beeping loudly. My mattress creaks as he takes a seat on the edge of my bed. My body shifts with his weight, but I don’t mind it.

“You’re fucking disgusting, you know that? How can you live like this?” I can hear the revulsion in his voice—because that’s what he wants—and a wave of insecurity comes over me. My face heats all the way to the tips of my ears.

“I just don’t care,” I mumble into my pillow as I wrap my arms around it. I shrink in on myself. I’m not used to feeling like this—insecure and inadequate—but Rhett brings something out in me I’ve never felt before. Like how I’m lying here with a man I don’t even fucking know, taking the random pills he gives me in exchange for sexual favors. I don’t know what he gets out of it other than an orgasm.

It has to be more than that, but what exactly? I couldn’t say.

“I guess you’re one step closer then.” His words are ominous, though they make no sense.

“What’s that mean?” I rasp, my voice muffled through the fabric.

“You’ll find out soon enough.”

I want to ask him more questions, but my energy is depleted, my body in pain, and all I can do is wait. After what feels like a very long eternity shivering in loud silence, a warm, fuzzy feeling starts tingling at the base of my spine, spreading a deep, flushing warmth up my back. Once it reaches my neck, it spreads outward through the rest of my body, one vein, one limb at a time.

A deep chuckle assaults my ears, though it sounds far away and almost… it sounds like feathers tickling my skin, brushing over me, light and airy and surreal.

I feel my lips tug at the corners as the pain slowly vanishes as if it was never even there. I flush, warmth infiltrating my body until even the very tips of my fingers and toes are radiating heat.

My eyes roam over the wall until my view changes, and I’m staring at the ceiling, white and vast. The warmth in my body increases tenfold when weight is added to my already heavy limbs.

The instinct to struggle at the unexpected weight is there, but my brain isn’t sending signals to the rest of my body, and the ability to care about being suffocated is obliterated. Though, the weight is gone almost as quickly as it appeared, leaving the light, feathery sensation in its place.

Hard fingers grip my chin, and I drag my eyes from the ceiling to the face hovering just above mine. Deep blue eyes stare down at me, hard and angry. I recoil, confused and suddenly feeling overwhelmed, but before I can react, he lowers his head and presses his lips to mine.

His lips match his persona—cold and demanding and unyielding. The only choice I have is to open my mouth and allow his tongue entry. He explores my mouth, running his tongue along my teeth and along the soft flesh of my cheeks, cut open and raw from my gnawing on them.

I gasp when he unexpectedly wraps his tongue around my piercing and tugs on it. He replaces his tongue with his teeth and tugs a few times on the bar before letting go and moving his mouth down my neck.

I keep my mouth slack, unable to shut it as his beard burns a path down my neck. Rough lips and even harsher teeth bite and suck their way down the column of my neck until they reach my naked collarbone.

Those same teeth bite savagely on the bone, and I let out a startled yelp, followed by a groan.

“You’re so weak, Dominik. It’s pathetic, really, how easy you’re making this,” he whispers the words into my flesh, biting me relentlessly. The pain has morphed into more heat, and even in my dazed state, my eyes widen in shock when I realize it’s traveled to my groin.

My dick is straining against the towel, the only barrier between my naked body and Rhett. This realization has me pulling away, uneasy. Rhett surprisingly backs off, but my relief is short-lived when he grips the edge of the towel where it’s tucked against my hip and pulls.