“Hey; I’m Seth,” the lithe-looking dude smoking the J tells me and holds out his hand. I come up to them and bring my hand to his in a quick shake. He drops his arm to his side before pulling the joint from between his lips. He holds it out to me, pinched between two fingers. “Want some?”

“Thanks,” I say as nonchalantly as I can, but my insides are screaming for the faintest hit of something. Anything.

“Hey.” Jay’s arm darts out and his fingers wrap around my forearm. “You sure you should do that?”

My eye twitches, and I blink a few times, dumbfounded. I gape for a second before I catch myself and snap my jaw shut. The anger I felt just minutes ago comes back full force.

“Are you fucking kidding me, man? What’s your problem?” I press my tongue to my front teeth and suck, hard, while also fisting my hands at my sides before relaxing them.

“I’m just—”

“Get off my ass, yo,” I bite out, and to prove how much I really don’t give a fuck about Jay and his opinion, I grab the joint from what’s his face’s still outstretched hand. With a gleeful surge in my veins, I bring it to my lungs and take a deep, lung-screaming inhale.

My lungs burn from the intensity and desperation for oxygen, but I hold the smoke in, reveling in the way my head starts to swim, feeling light and heavy all at once.

Weed is such a different, mild high in comparison to Oxys, but fuck. Anything right now is better than nothing.

“Fuckin’ hell, Dom.” Jay groans, and I feel as he pushes his way past the two of us, back inside, I presume. I wouldn’t know because I can’t bring myself to open my now heavy lids.

“It’s just weed,” Seth laughs, taking the joint from me. I force my eyes back open and meet his gaze. The light coming from the glass doors shines on his face as he leans back against the wall, and I get a flash of his light brown eyes.

I don’t bother responding, but he doesn’t seem to care. We silently pass the weed back and forth between us until it’s nothing more than a roach. I turn to face the yard as he flicks it into the night. We stand in silence for I don’t know how long, me back to smoking cigarettes and vibing with my high, when he tells me he’s leaving.

“All right, man. See ya around.” I toss my hand back in a noncommittal way.

“Sure thing.”

As I bring my cigarette back to my lips, I stare up at the sky, temporarily closing my eyes as the rain drops hit my eyelids. I let the water slide down my gaunt cheekbones and down my neck before I pull myself out of it and head back inside now that I’m rain-soaked and fucking tired.

I slide open the doors to the house to let Jay know I need a ride home when I my eyes fall on the man who fucking kissed me. He’s almost directly across the room from me, his arms crossed over his chest as some guy leans against him, talking with someone else.

My hazy mind stutters to a halt at seeing his face, here, of all places. When I take a step forward, his eyes shift right to me, locking me in a cold, heavy stare. My own widen as shit finally snaps into place.

I press my tongue to the front of my teeth and suck as my fingers scratch at my arm. The weed is doing nothing to stop my mind from spinning, possibility after possibility churning, my stomach twisting and clenching uncomfortably.

What the hell is a cop doing at a college party filled with probably lots of underage drinking and illegal drugs? And why is it the very cop who arrested me, stole my fucking drugs, fucking followed me to a cemetery, then kissed me and called me pretty…

I stumble onto the closest chair a few feet from the back door. It’s a cold, metal folding one but I don’t give a fuck. The room is spinning, making me nauseous. I feel like I have whiplash.

My phone vibrates in my pocket, so I pull it out, grateful for the distraction, but end up narrowing my eyes at the screen in confusion.

Unknown: I said you weren’t allowed to get drugs from anyone but me. Best believe that was the last time you will get high without my consent, Dominik.

“What the fucking fuck?” I stare at the text message right in front of my face, balking. No…

My head snaps up, only to find a pair of cold, knowing eyes still locked on me.

It fucking can’t be, I tell myself. But yeah, yeah it fucking can. He’s a cop. He had my phone. Hell, he arrested me.

He can do whatever he wants.

Like keep my drugs from me.

A sense of dread douses me from head to toe. Oh, fuck.

Another text comes in and lights up the screen. I read the newest message through the text preview without even opening the thread.

Unknown: What would you do for those drugs you crave so badly, Dominik?