It’s comforting.

My attention is dragged back to Dominik, and I can’t stop my eyes from dropping to his ass. It’s wet from sitting on the damp ground with streaks of mud staining both cheeks. My body reacts on pure, animalistic instinct when blood rushes to my dick as I watch his ass flex as he bends down. He runs his hand haphazardly along the stone to grab his keys, the scraping of metal on stone shattering the silence.

Rage fills my veins with every rapid pulse in my dick. I bite down on the filter of my cigarette as I take another large inhale and then shove my hand fisting the zippo in my pocket as I try to convince myself I’m staring at him for any other reason than why I actually am.

I clench my jaw so fucking hard, pain shoots down the back of my neck, making me twitch. It doesn’t kill my fucking hard-on, but it pulls my mind from the hate-fueled heat spreading through me.

The grass squeaks as he spins on his feet. He shoves his hands in his black hoodie pocket as he makes his way to his hunter-green mustang parked on the small, broken-up cemetery road. Which, I have to admit, is a nice fucking car.

Unable to resist my fucked-up temptation, I take this time to look him over. He’s donned in black sweats with contrasting white Nike high-top sneakers stained with mud from the rain. The white cord of his earbuds hangs down his torso, swinging with every step. I trace the cord with my eyes upwards until I land on his ears.

He’s wearing a white baseball cap, flipped backwards. It doesn’t do anything to block the mist from dampening his hair, but he doesn’t seem bothered. His black, curly hair hangs below the brim of his hat, brushing against his eyebrows and ears. The ends of his curls drip water onto his shoulders, creating darker spots on the material on his hoodie.

His jawline is sharp, along with his nose—both coming to a point that could almost be too much if it didn’t mesh so fucking well…

The groaning sound of his car door opening pulls my eyes from his face to his body again. Long, thick legs move behind the door, out of my sight, leaving me to stare at the shiny, dark-green paint.

The cracking of my jaw rings loud inside of my head as I work my teeth a million miles a minute now that I’ve moved my cigarette to between my lips instead. My eyes roam up his body of their own volition, yet a-fucking-gain. His long, ring-covered fingers grip the top of the door frame as he crouches to get in his seat, but right before he sinks down, he freezes.

My entire body jolts, and my eyes dart to his face. He lifts his gaze from his car to glance around the cemetery that is completely barren, apart from our presence. For the first time since I noticed him here, I can see the entirety of his face, no longer in the shadows. What I discern has a deep sense of satisfaction washing through me, warm and comfortable.

He looks fucking miserable with deep, black bags under both of his eyes, giving the appearance they’re sunken in. Hell, maybe they are. His cheekbones are defined way past the point of being healthy, and his eyes are rimmed in red. I wonder if he was crying…

I fucking hope he was.

After an eternity, his eyes finally fall on me—or at least I think they do, but it’s almost impossible to tell. Not because of our distance, but because his lids are almost closed, only a sliver of each eye uncovered. From what I can see of his eyes, they appear to be bloodshot and glassy. Unseeing.


Our eyes remain connected for a solid six seconds—not that I’m counting—before he breaks eye contact and sluggishly climbs in his car without a second glance, shutting his door behind him. A moment later, his car rumbles to life.

I keep my eyes on him through the foggy glass as he fumbles with something inside of his car. I feel my brow raise with selfish curiosity before I get my answer in the next second. “Let You Down” by Divided Minds blares out, the song clear as day even with the slight distance. After the song starts, he pulls away from the grass shoulder of the narrow road and drives off until all I can see are brake lights. And then… nothing.

I take the last drag of my smoke before dropping it to the ground at my feet and stubbing it out with the tip of my boot. I let out a heavy breath of irritation and take one last glance at my father’s headstone before turning away. My black combat boots sink into the soft ground as I hike my leg up and get situated on top of my Harley. The seat is wet from the mist, and all of the water instantly absorbs into my jeans.

I grip the handlebars and straighten the bike when a ding from my phone rings out. I rest my bike back on its kickstand and stand with my feet on either side of my ride as I dig my hand into my back pocket and pull out my cell.

Seth: You said you would tell me when you were home… Did you not want me to come over? I miss you… daddy ;)

I fight back a grimace. I fucking forgot about our plans tonight. But now that I think about it… He could be exactly what I need right now. A fucking distraction.

Yes, that’s what I need. A distraction from that fucking pretty boy I can’t get out of my head. With his thick thighs and long fingers with chipped, black nail polish…

Nope. No.

I quickly type out a response to Seth, telling him to come over in two hours, then I pocket my phone again. I start my bike and peel out of the cemetery before my pain and thoughts can catch back up to me—for now anyway.

* * *

“Shit,Rhett. Deep-nngh!”

“Shut the fuck up,” I growl as I push into Seth’s ass, working more of my dick inside of him. He clenches around me, and I groan as I grip both of his ass cheeks in my hands, spreading him further apart. Such a tight fucking ass.

I thrust forward, and he lets out a surprised yelp when I bury myself to the hilt. With my pelvis flush against his ass, I close my eyes as my cock twitches, the compressing warmth around me putting me that much closer to the edge already.

Such a great distraction. I’m not thinking about—

I force my eyes open when I feel him squeezing greedily around me, desperate for movement. With my hands still holding him apart, I slowly pull out, watching his hole trying to suck me back in.