My eyes burn, and I blink in rapid succession to clear the haze that has come over my vision, but it’s fruitless. The tears I’ve been unable to war against since I stepped into this hospital fall freely down my face for the umpteenth time.

My chest shakes as I sob, so fucking angry at everything—at Dominik for not telling me he needed help, even though he didn’t have that option, at me for not fucking noticing, for not caring enough.

It’s all fucked—every fucking bit of it. The hatred I held onto for so fucking long over something that was never even his fault to begin with—it was his mother’s for fucking a man when she was already married. Then, his father killed them all because of his broken heart. Which now that I know that type of love, I can… understand—as heart-wrenchingly painful it is to admit, I do. Because that’s how I feel about Dominik and his beautiful fucking soul. He’s just wrecked from trying to figure out how to cope with everything. I believe he did the only thing he knew would work without realizing there are other ways.

Or maybe he didn’t care to know of any other ways. Maybe he loved the way the pills… the needle… made him feel… more than the way I made him feel.

“Fuck.” A painful sob rips from my chest, and I double over from the pain lancing through my torso. He needs to be okay. He fucking has to be.

I don’t think I can live without him anymore.

I shake my head as defeat worms its way inside. No one knows how long he was lying face down in his own vomit, probably unable to breathe, let alone how long he’d been bleeding out from the tears that were ripped into him.

Murderous rage has been bubbling just underneath the surface since the words were ripped from Jamie’s unwilling mouth.

Visions of speeding home, grabbing my service pistol, and storming the streets until I find the man who did this to my beauty boy keep me comforted at his side—a place I refuse to leave until he forces me away.

* * *

The moment comes too soon,all at the hands of the woman who started his downward spiral, who made it so fucking easy for me to come into his life and dismantle every piece he gave me.

I hate her, but I hate me more.