“You all right, man?” He drops his arms, and they fall back to his sides with a small swoosh. I keep my gaze pinned on them rather than looking him in the eye and facing my pain, facing the reality of how fucking alone I am.
“All good, just a little—”
“Fucked up,” he finishes for me with a laugh.
“Yep,” I pop the P, relishing in the numbness of my mouth. I run my tongue along the backs of my teeth, savoring the tang of vodka on my tongue and the coke in the back of my throat.
Two girls come up behind Jay, one of them—a busty blonde—wraps her arms around his middle, planting a kiss on his cheek. He smiles warmly at her, turning his head to the side to meet her lips with his.
I look away, hating the sight in front of me, only to land on a certain brunette I vaguely recognize. She stares at me, her eyes trailing up and down my body in a hot pursuit. She bites down on her plump lips, and when my eyes lock on them, that’s when it really sinks in.
She really does remind me of Essa.
“Dance with me.” She extends her hand to me, and I take it, pulling her to me. She stumbles into my body with a breathy chuckle, and I wrap my arms around her curvaceous waist, pressing her front against mine.
She gyrates her hips, and the friction has my dick stirring in my sweats without the barrier of underwear. My eyelids flutter closed at the sensations wracking through me.
“Fuck,” I groan as I rock against her, too. I let my head fall back and increase the pressure of my grip until my fingertips are digging into her skin.
This. This is what I need—the trippy wavelength of heat and sensations licking through every nerve ending.
Wet lips press against my neck. Hands lift my hoodie, and fingers trail over the muscles of my abs. My stomach tenses at the touch, and I let out a shaky breath, willing my body to relax.
“Here, dude!” Jay’s voice breaks through my fog, and I drag my eyelids open to see a red solo cup in my face. “Filled it with your fave.”
“Thanks.” I take the cup from him and toss the contents back, swallowing until not a drop remains. A new wave of warmth floods me, drowning my coke-licked veins with the dizzying effects of alcohol.
I drop the cup to the floor and someone next to me crushes it with their foot as they push past. The chick in front of me spins so her ass is pressed against my rapidly growing length and starts dancing to the beat of the music, now some Lil Peep song.
The pulse strumming in my veins matches the vibration in my head. That combined with an ass pressed against me, and I’m fucking gone.
“You wanna go upstairs?” I think I hear the chick ask, but I can’t be sure over the music. I lean down until my head is next to hers so she can speak directly into my ear. “Let’s go upstairs,” she whispers, flicking her tongue into my ear.
I pull away and tighten my grip on her wide hips, thrusting up. She lets out a gasp which quickly turns into a giggle before pushing her way through the crowd in earnest.
We trudge up the stairs, albeit slowly because my limbs are lead, feeling heavier with every step I take. The walls warp, the textured brick distorting and blurring. After what I’m sure is longer than necessary, we’re at the landing of the steps on the second floor. There are less people up here, but I pay them no mind as I follow the girl who has a death grip on my hand.
She grabs a few door handles, pushing them open before closing them quickly, trying to find a room. When she finds they’re all full, we march up the next flight of stairs to the third and final floor where Jay’s room is. But we don’t go to his room though, as it’s already occupied, we found out. Instead, we’re across the hall, two rooms down.
The girl shuts the door behind us as I step deeper into the room. It’s pretty basic with white walls and black curtains. The bedspread is a dark gray with white pillowcases, and it smells faintly of spice.
My waist is grabbed, and I’m spun around. My feet twist, and with a surprisingly hard shove, I fall back onto the bed. Before I even realize what is happening, my sweatpants are being ripped down my thighs, exposing my rock hard length to the cool air. Cool air that is immediately replaced by a hot, and very fucking wet, mouth.
“Goddamn,” I grunt. My hands fly to the chick’s hair, and I wrap the length of it around my fingers, twisting and pulling to guide her over my length. She sucks me deep into the back of her throat, and another groan is forced from my mouth. If she keeps sucking me like a goddamn Hoover vacuum, I’m not going to last more than three minutes.
My hips thrust upward, shoving my dick deeper, and she splutters, pulling back with a lazy smile on her spit-soaked lips. I untangle her hair from one of my hands and press my thumb to her swollen bottom lip, tugging it down before releasing it and shoving my thumb into her mouth. She presses her tongue against the pad of my thumb before sucking it deeper until the flesh of my hand meets her nose.
Our gazes lock; her eyes are glassy, pupils blown, almost no blue to be seen. She pulls away, freeing her mouth to say, “I have a condom.” She shrugs as if embarrassed, which makes no sense because she just had my dick in her mouth.
She leans back, resting her ass on her heels as she pulls a black and green packet out of her back pocket. She shakes her hand a few times, and the foil crinkles. While keeping my heavy-lidded gaze on her, I cross my hands behind my head and jut my hips out, indicating her to put it on.
She gives me a shy smile and gets to work ripping the packet open and working the condom over my erection. Once I’m fully sheathed, I sit up and shift to my knees. The chick, whose name I never got, peers up at me through her lashes. I look her up and down for all of two seconds before grabbing her waist and pushing her back on the bed.
I unbutton her jeans and pull them down her legs. They get stuck around her ankles, and I leave them there, along with keeping her shoes on her feet. I pull her white crop top over her head and toss it behind me. Her boobs spill out over her bra, and I lean down to suck her skin into my mouth. She moans and writhes beneath me, and when I finally pull away, there is a dark purple bruise marring her skin.
That’s how you mark your girl, Vincent. Not with fucking scars.