I’m taking the next step. I planned to drag this out longer, but at this point, it doesn’t even seem necessary. There’s no point when he’s so fucking close already. I just need to give him that push, though I’m not even sure he needs one.
It’s so fucking easy.
Almost too easy.
But it’s too late.
It’s done.
“I don’t want to do this, you know,” he whispers, but I hear his words loud and clear despite the garbled consistency of them.
“Yeah. Yeah, you fucking do. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be here right now. You wouldn’t have gotten in your car and drove all the way to my fucking job to harass me.” I take a step closer to him, keeping my eyes pinned on him as he stares down at the floor, shuffling his feet as he sways.
“You wouldn’t have gotten in your car with me. And you sure as fuck wouldn’t have come inside of my fucking house—at least not without putting up a fight.” Another step.
“But look at you, Dominik. Standing in my kitchen, all helpless and needy.” Another step followed by two more until the tips of my boots bump against his once white sneakers. The movement jostles him, and he stumbles, but I grab his elbow and steady him. I tighten my fingers on his arm to the point of bruising.
Dominik’s head finally lifts from the floor, and his bloodshot gaze meets mine. His eyes are bleary, but he uses what energy he has to focus on me.
“You made me need you, you know.”
His words catch me off guard, and I still. Our eyes remain locked as my brain freezes, attempting to process his words.
He’s right—I did. But the way he said that…
I swallow and my eyes drop to his plump, slightly chapped lips. I trace every inch of them before focusing on his gaze once more. He’s back to staring at the floor, pliant and useless.
With a sigh, I drop my hand from his arm and turn away. I start toward the bathroom before calling to him over my shoulder. “Follow me. You’re taking a fucking shower before you touch me.”
I don’t look behind me to see if he’s following, but I can sense his presence. It’s heavy and pungent. It reminds me of death.