“Fly”—Highly Suspect

It’s notuntil I’m pulling in my driveway that Dominik finally decides to speak.

“Where are we?”

“Well, we’re clearly not at your apartment.” I put his Mustang in park and pull the keys from the ignition.

“You brought me to your house?” He finally sits up in his seat and glances out the window to the front of my house. No, not my house. My father’s…

I clench my teeth and grate them. “How observant of you.” The snide comment falls from my lips with no real thought, and Dominik scoffs.

“You’re a fucking prick.” He’s still slurring his words, but not as bad as before. I scoff and push open the door. I round the car until I reach the passenger’s side and yank that door open, too. Dominik stares up at me with a glare in his eyes and crosses his arms over his chest. The movement causes his baggy sweatshirt to shift, and I catch a glimpse of his bare collarbone.

I swallow the urge to reach down and haul him to his feet so I can sink my teeth into the flesh covered bone. Silently clearing my throat, I take a step back and stare at my garage, waiting for him to get out.

After a few long moments, Dominik still hasn’t moved, and I sigh. “Look. You and I both know you want what I have inside, so why don’t you make this easier on the both of us and fucking do what you’re told.”

“You never told me to do anything,” he remarks.

So he wants to be a smartass, huh?

“Get the fuck inside, Dominik. Since you apparently need to be told what to do.”

My words have him bristling, but like a dog given a command, he clambers out of the car. His shoes scrape across the pavement as he follows me up the walkway to the front door. When my fingers wrap around the cool brass, I force a deep breath into my lungs, shoving everything but what I need to do away.

This may be my father’s house, but Dominik being here is absolutely necessary for what needs to happen next.

As of right now, he’s on the precipice—so fucking close to the edge. All I need to do now is give him a little push.

And by little, I mean gigantic. Monumental.

Something so unforgivable, I know my soul will forever be tarnished.

I take a small deep breath and finish unlocking my door. After pushing it open, I step into the dark entryway, feeling a certain relief with no lights to illuminate the person I brought here, who is now stepping inside behind me, pressing too close for comfort.

Locking my jaw, I walk into the kitchen, bypassing the light switches. When I reach the counter, I drop Dominik’s keys into the bowl on instinct. After the keys leave my fingers, I reach my hand inside of the bowl and pull out one of the small cylinders and shove it in my pocket before turning around.

“What am I doing here?” he asks as his eyes roam around the room, taking in his surroundings, not that there’s much to look at. My father may have lived here all of my life, but he was never one for personal effects. There are a few pictures of us on the walls, along with photos of him and his old partner from work, but besides that, there isn’t shit in this house that couldn’t be replaced by going to a store.

But still… it’s his home.

Was. Was his home.

“You’re here because I need you here.” I shove my other hand into my other pocket and clasp my fingers around nothing. Fuck. I forgot I’m in my work uniform—because I got dragged away from work by this fucker losing his shit.

“But why?”

“Why are you asking me so many fucking questions?” I shout, yanking on strands of hair as I push it away from my eyes. It’s gotten long—too long, but I don’t have the time to get it cut. I’ve got more important things to deal with.

“You know how this goes by now, Dominik. I shouldn’t have to explain shit to you,” I growl, spinning on my heels to face him. He’s standing in the middle of the kitchen, hunched over on himself. His hood is over his head and both of his hands are in the front pocket, until he pulls one out to scratch at the junction of his arm, in what seems to be an absentminded gesture. More of a nervous one—one of habit.

When he finally catches me staring at him, his eyes drop to his arms before he lets his arms fall and hang by his sides. He doesn’t say a word as he stares at me, waiting for me to make the next move.

We know what comes next. He drops to his knees for me, and I give him his pills. Then we part ways until he needs more.

Only this time, it’s different.