Page 68 of The Third Storm

The slotted pathway looked like it ran down the entire side of the ship. It was a gamble, but I would bet it traveled far enough to reach the engineering entry point. We had to get around, and this was the only way out of the chaos.

I met eyes with Lori. “Crawl over. I’ll pass you the boys.”

She took a hesitant peek over the side. Her knuckles turned white on the metal that was as high as her chest, there to prevent the very thing we intended to do.

She turned back towards me, still gripping the edge with both hands. The wind whipped her hair in all directions, hiding her expression. “Fuck it,” she heaved. Turning back, she hoisted her body upwards, stomach to the bar like a gymnast. Her right leg lifted over and then her left, so quick no one shuffling around in the dark took the time to notice. It was chaotic, and the crowd remained focused on where the stage was last time. Time was running out. I heard the clang of metal as she landed. Her boys had their chests pressed to the sides and their heads peeked over.

“Now boys,” I barked. I helped them lift over, one at a time, and saw them land with a thud next to their mother. Lewis had already lifted himself as best he could. When his body made it over the side, I kept hold of his arms, reaching over as far as I could before letting him go. He fell onto Lori, taking her down, but they both were safe. Beau had a steady shake to him, and I knew he would panic if I threw him over like his brother. I moved my bag to my front and had him climb onto my back. His arms wrapped so tightly around my neck, that I struggled for air.

Both of my legs were over the side when the red blinking stopped and the outdoor lights flickered on. At that moment, the sudden change captured everyone’s attention. I extended my arms, hanging on the ship’s side with only my hands visible to those on deck.

I released one and gazed downward. Lori stood with open arms, but Beau’s grip was tighter than ever. I had no choice but to drop and hope we both made it onto the thin rail. I could twist my body so Beau was closer to the hull of the ship. If anyone fell over the side, it would be me. Make your decision and move was still the mantra that day.

I let go.