Page 63 of The Third Storm

I jerked his hand off me and stormed out of the lab. Dean just gave me a ticket to roam. I could go anywhere under the excuse that I was avoiding his whores. It took everything I had to keep the smile from my lips as I left the growing room, looking for Sam.

My first stop was Lori’s cabin. I had only been there once. The way our shifts aligned, I always met her in the kitchen. I knocked on the door and waited, pacing the hall. It may have been ten seconds or a few minutes, but my patience waned. I banged my open palms on the door and called her name.

I heard noises from inside. First, I planned to talk to the boys somewhere quiet on deck about their dreams. Then, if Lori was willing, I could leave them with her and locate Sam. By that point, Dean would be drunk with his dick down some girl’s throat.

More shuffling and my anxiety levels reached an all-time high. “Jesus, Lori, what are you doing?” I screamed at the door. Her door swung open and Luke stood with nothing but a hand towel over his junk. I despised him, but the sight of him flushed heat through my entire body. He was rock solid and had a sheen of sweat on his chiseled chest. The towel didn’t cover all of him, and I failed to avert my eyes. My jaw fell open.

“Sorry to keep you waiting, Rowan. We can’t seem to locate my pants,” he grinned.

My attempt to sound annoyed came out like a pathetic stutter instead.”Oh, y-yeah, I s-see that.” I pointed at his groin, which furthered my mortification. “Not that I s-see anything.” Fuck. “Just get Lori, please.”

“Found them,” she bellowed from behind Luke. He turned to shut the door, displaying his perfect ass.

A moment later he exited, wearing pants. I entered Lori’s cabin with a neon flush on my cheeks.

“Before you say anything,” Lori chided, holding her hand up. “I think we may have jumped to conclusions with his involvement.”

“What?” I threw my hands up. “Are you orgasm drunk? Listen, I don’t care if you still want to fuck Luke. God, I just about creamed my pants when he opened the door. But hormones lie, Lori. They tell us things like, ‘Men change’, or ‘I’m the only one he feels this way about’, or ‘Luke isn’t a lying asshole’. The pieces fit. He’s part of Dean’s plan.”

“I’m aware he’s part of Dean’s plan.”

“Okay, so what are you talking about, then?”

“Luke has a lot of outstanding qualities, but he’s a glorified boy scout. He’s been in the military since he was seventeen. He’s kind and loyal, to a fault.”

I made a drumroll on my legs. “And, Lori? What’s your point?”

She scrunched her shoulders to her ears and inhaled. “He’s as dumb as a box of rocks. I’m talking common sense dumb. The man is a genius with memorization and facts in the medical field, but he’s not a problem solver, more like an order follower. But he can find my clit, and that, my friend, is genius.”

I laughed, my shoulders shaking as my eyes watered. I wrapped my arm around Lori. “I know you care for him, but I saw him in the growing room. He’s part of the drugs.”

“I could say that about you, too. You are in the growing room. He’s following orders, Rowan.”

She had me there. From the outside looking in, I was as guilty as sin and with Dean until the end.

“This isn’t about my feelings,” Lori interrupted my thoughts. “He’s oblivious, and maybe a bit by choice. You’ve never been in the military, so let me enlighten you on some things. When your superiors say to do something, you don’t ask why. It’s not a discussion, ever. After so many years, you don’t even care why. He’s following orders.”

“He’s still in on Dean’s plan!” I shouted.

“But he doesn’t know it,” she shot back. “All I’m saying is, he has no idea why he’s doing the things he’s doing. Dean has used him like a pawn in chess. You could say the same about me, you know. Dean introduced us, got the boys together. How can you be so sure I’m not into ship domination with a side of drugs and premonitions?”

“Because I know you,” I insisted.

“And I know Luke, with or without hormones. He follows orders. He doesn’t question. He does it in bed too, and that shit is amazing.”

I wrapped my arm tighter around Lori. “It doesn’t change much. If and when it all comes out, Dean will just give him an order and as you said, he’ll follow.”

“It changes everything, Rowan. Because in my heart, if that happens, he’ll choose me. He will choose us. He doesn’t know Dean’s intentions, but he’s man enough to follow his own when the time comes. I don’t have to be psychic to know that.”

Her eyes pleaded with me to understand, to agree. Doubt filled my head, but there was still a glimmer of hope in my heart. “Okay. If you trust him, I can too. Just ditch the watch