Page 6 of The Third Storm

The radio sputtered again, clearer this time, “Approval granted for Ashley, Beau, and Lewis Lawson.”

“And Samuel Lawson, Lieutenant?” the other asked.

I held my breath. My heart sped up in my chest. Dean would be confused, maybe even upset, but he would get the message. He would know the man was with me. I used the name Samuel. He had to understand.

“Approval granted for S-Samuel Lawson.”

I exhaled, and I thought I saw the boys breathe out as well. They could hear everything around us but remained perfectly still. Kids were resilient, but BeLew were in a league of their own.

The men waved me forward, and one followed along as I parked the Jeep under the red lights. They sputtered and blinked over me like an abandoned motel sign. I got out and stood in front of him, waiting for direction.

“Those RHIB’s leave every fifteen minutes until they can’t anymore,” the one yelled through the wind. It felt stronger now, stinging my face and pushing me to one side. He eyed the man in the back seat and our bags on the floorboards. “I would make sure everything and everyone is with you when you get on and get off the RHIB.”

I lifted my chin, pretending I knew what an RHIB was. “That’s going to be a problem. My husband is unconscious. Do you have anything that could help us with our bags or, well, him? And where is the ship?”

“The ships are miles out to sea. The water is too shallow. Storms sucked it all in, so the RHIB’s will take you.” He pointed to the docks where small inflatable looking boats were bobbing in the water. He was impatient with me, but his eyes were kind.

I touched his arm and stepped closer. “Please. I need to get him to the ship.”

He eyed me with suspicion, but I refused to back down. I pressed my body against him. Fuck female pride. We needed help.

“I understand,” he nodded. “Listen, you take what bags you and those boys can carry. You won’t be able to fit more on board, anyway. Come to the station when you are ready, and I’ll carry him to the RHIB.”

He turned on his heel and left, and I started digging in the bags. “BeLew get up and grab two things you can’t live without. We can’t take as much as we thought.”

They stood, and both grabbed for their stuffed ducks, shoving them into their shirts. I tossed several things in the front seat I knew wouldn’t be coming with us and quickly packed three bags of essentials. The wind whipped my ponytail and made my body tense.

We will not be here for storm four.

I thought we had time, but I also didn’t know how far out the ship was. Months of trying to beat the clock, and I always ran out of time. Not today.

“Beau and Lewis, make sure you can carry those bags. Practice holding them because you have to carry one each down there.” I pointed at the inflatable boats down below.

I left them to jog back to the station. The one man saw me coming, nudged the other, and met me halfway. “Start down with the boys,” he said. “I’ll meet you there with your husband. It may take you all a while.”

“Thanks,” I gasped, realizing how tired I had become at the end of our journey. When we finally made it to a bed, I’d likely sleep for a week.

He pointed to BeLew. “The boys look a lot alike. Strong kids to make it out here.”

“Twins. They are strong. Almost like Captain America,” I chuckled to myself.

“Not a lot of kids have made it all the way,” he mumbled as we reached the Jeep. I winced at his statement and said nothing in return.

The boys each had a bag at their feet, ready to go. I lifted the heaviest one and made a hand gesture for them to walk.

Before I could start after them, the man grabbed my elbow and pulled me to his side. “I had a few of these stocked away. You may need it.” He handed me a medical kit, military-grade. There would be medicine in this, including antibiotics. It was more precious than gold right now. Fuck, no one cared about gold anymore. But this, this was... everything.

“T-Thank you,” I sputtered, my eyes wide. “This is… I don’t even know what to say. I’m so grateful.”

“My name is Luke,” he said, cocking a smile. “Start down. I’ll jog with him.”

I walked after the boys, catching up as I shoved the medical kit in my bag, covering it with clothing. I turned, seeing Luke in a slow jog with Samuel draped over his shoulders. His chest extended, showing his muscled frame. He carried my fake husband like he was nothing.

We all reached the RHIB and loaded our things. Another man and woman were aboard, eager for us to get settled so we could leave. The boys sat down, and the woman instinctively smiled at them. Lewis reached out his hand for her to hold, and she did. Beau kept to himself and close to his brother, but he gave a weak smile to her.

I helped Luke get Samuel tied onto the bench so he wouldn’t fly off as we made our way over the choppy waters to the ship. Luke looked at the couple as he pulled the last rope around Samuel’s limp body. “You will help her load him onto the ship.” The couple bobbed their heads in agreement.

Luke stood, and I gave him all the smile I could manage. “Thank you for… for everything, really. And good luck. I wish I could do something for you.”

With that, Luke wrapped his arms around my waist and crushed his lips to mine. The woman behind me gasped and BeLew giggled. His kiss grew deeper as he pressed his body against mine, and I heard him moan slightly before he freed my lips. The man driving the RHIB gave a soft laugh and shook his head. I stood there, dumbfounded. My lips tingled from his attack.

“No offense, ma’am, but I don’t think your husband’s gonna make it. Figured I’d show you my intentions. Men will line up for a woman like you when he’s gone.”

He had the biggest grin when he stepped off the RHIB and kicked it, pushing us into open water and starting the last leg of our journey. I sat down next to the boys while they waved Luke goodbye, seemingly unaffected by the encounter.

We sped off. Luke’s body grew smaller in the distance until his shadow disappeared and darkness surrounded us. The rush of his kiss wore off, and I gripped the metal seats, searching for something I could see in the night.

Only ocean surrounded us. No ship and no shore. All that remained was darkness… darkness and fear.