Page 42 of The Best Laid Plans

Chapter 19

The hastily called meeting in the Oval Office had been going on for only a few minutes and the air was already crackling with dissension.

The secretary of defense was saying, "If we delay any longer, the situation is going to get completely out of control. It will be too late to stop it."

"We can't rush into this." General Stephen Gossard turned to the head of the CIA. "How hard is your information?"

"It's difficult to say. We're fairly certain that Libya is buying a variety of weapons from Iran and China."

Oliver turned to the secretary of state. "Libya denies it?"

"Of course. So do China and Iran."

Oliver asked, "What about the other Arab states?"

The CIA chief responded. "From the information I have, Mr. President, if a serious attack is launched on Israel, I think it's going to be the excuse that all the other Arab states have been waiting for. They'll join in to wipe Israel out."

They were all looking at Oliver expectantly. "Do you have reliable assets in Libya?" he asked.

"Yes, sir."

"I want an update. Keep me informed. If there are signs of an attack, we have no choice but to move."

The meeting was adjourned.

Oliver's secretary's voice came over the intercom. "Mr. Tager would like to see you, Mr. President."

"Have him come in."

"How did the meeting go?" Peter Tager asked.

"Oh, it was just your average meeting," Oliver said bitterly, "about whether I want to start a war now or later."

Tager said sympathetically, "It goes with the territory."


"Something of interest has come up."

"Sit down."

Peter Tager took a seat. "What do you know about the United Arab Emirates?"

"Not a lot," Oliver said. "Five or six Arab states got together twenty years ago or so and formed a coalition."

"Seven of them. They joined together in 1971. Abu Dhabi, Fujaira, Dubai, Sharjah, Ras al-Khaimah, Umm al-Qaiwan, and Ajman. When they started out, they weren't very strong, but the Emirates have been incredibly well run. Today they have one of the world's highest standards of living. Their gross domestic product last year was over thirty-nine billion dollars."

Oliver said impatiently, "I assume there's a point to this, Peter?"

"Yes, sir. The head of the council of the United Arab Emirates wants to meet with you."

"All right. I'll have the secretary of defense - "

"Today. In private."

"Are you serious? I couldn't possibly - "

"Oliver, the Majlis - their council - is one of the most important Arab influences in the world. It has the respect of every other Arab nation. This could be an important breakthrough. I know this is unorthodox, but I think you should meet with them."

"State would have a fit if I - "

"I'll make the arrangements."

There was a long silence. "Where do they want to meet?"

"They have a yacht anchored in Chesapeake Bay, near Annapolis. I can get you there quietly."

Oliver sat there, studying the ceiling. Finally, he leaned forward and pressed down the intercom switch. "Cancel my appointments for this afternoon."

The yacht, a 212-foot Feadship, was moored at the dock. They were waiting for him. All the crew members were Arabs.

"Welcome, Mr. President." It was Ali al-Fulani, the secretary at one of the United Arab Emirates. "Please come aboard."

Oliver stepped aboard and Ali al-Fulani signaled to one of the men. A few moments later, the yacht was underway.

"Shall we go below?"

Right. Where I can be killed or kidnapped. This is the stupidest thing I have ever done, Oliver decided. Maybe they brought me here so they can begin their attack on Israel, and I won't be able to give orders to retaliate. Why the hell did I let Tager talk me into this?

Oliver followed Ali al-Fulani downstairs into the sumptuous main saloon, which was decorated in Middle Eastern style. There were four muscular Arabs standing on guard in the saloon. An imposing-looking man seated on the couch rose as Oliver came in.

Ali al-Fulani said, "Mr. President, His Majesty King Hamad of Ajman."

The two men shook hands. "Your Majesty."

"Thank you for coming, Mr. President. Would you care for some tea?"

"No, thank you."

"I believe you will find this visit well worth your while." King Hamad began to pace. "Mr. President, over the centuries, it has been difficult, if not impossible, to bridge the problems that divide us - philosophical, linguistic, religious, cultural. Those are the reasons there have been so many wars in our part of the world. If Jews confiscate the land of Palestinians, no one in Omaha or Kansas is affected. Their lives go on the same. If a synagogue in Jerusalem is bombed, the Italians in Rome and Venice pay no attention."

Oliver wondered where this was heading. Was it a warning of a coming war?

"There is only one part of the world that suffers from all the wars and bloodshed in the Middle East. And that is the Middle East."

He sat down across from Oliver. "It is time for us to put a stop to this madness."

Here it comes, Oliver thought.

"The heads of the Arab states and the Majlis have authorized me to make you an offer."

"What kind of an offer?"

"An offer of peace."

Oliver blinked. "Peace?"

"We want to make peace with your ally, Israel. Your embargoes against Iran and other Arab countries have cost us untold billions of dollars. We want to put an end to that. If the United States will act as a sponsor, the Arab countries - including Iran, Libya, and Syria - have agreed to sit down and negotiate a permanent peace treaty with Israel."

Oliver was stunned. When he found his voice, he said, "You're doing this because - "

"I assure you it is not out of love for the Israelis or for the Americans. It is in our own interests. Too many of our sons have been killed in this madness. We want it to end. It is enough. We want to be free to sell all our oil to the world again. We are prepared to go to war if necessary, but we would prefer peace."

Oliver took a deep breath. "I think I would like some tea."

"I wish you had been there," Oliver said to Peter Tager. "It was incredible. They're ready to go to war, but they don't want to. They're pragmatists. They want to sell their oil to the world, so they want peace."

"That's fantastic," Tager said enthusiastically. "When this gets out, you're going to be a hero."

"And I can do this on my own," Oliver told him. "It doesn't have to go through Congress. I'll have a talk with the Prime Minister of Israel. We'll help him make a deal with the Arab countries." He looked at Tager and said ruefully, "For a few minutes there, I thought I was going to be kidnapped."

"No chance," Peter Tager assured him. "I had a boat and a helicopter following you."

"Senator Davis is here to see you, Mr. President. He has no appointment, but he says it's urgent."

"Hold up my next appointment and send the senator in."

The door opened and Todd Davis walked into the Oval Office.

"This is a nice surprise, Todd. Is everything all right?"

Senator Davis took a seat. "Fine, Oliver. I just thought you and I should have a little chat."

Oliver smiled. "I have a pretty full schedule today, but for you - "

"This will take only a few minutes. I ran into Peter Tager. He told me about your meeting with the Arabs."

Oliver grinned. "Isn't that wonderful? It looks like we're finally going to have peace in the Middle East." He slammed a fist on the desk. "After all these decades! That's what my administration is going to be remembered for, Todd."

Senator Davis asked quietly, "Have you thought this through, Oliver?"

Oliver frowned. "What? What do you mean?"

"Peace is a simple word, but it has a lot of ramifications. Peace doesn't have any financial benefits. When there's a war, countries buy billions of dollars' worth of armaments that are made here in the United States. In peacetime, they don't need any. Because Iran can't sell its oil, oil prices are up, and the United States gets the benefit of that."

Oliver was listening to him unbelievingly. "Todd - this is the opportunity of a lifetime!"

"Don't be naive, Oliver. If we had really wanted to make peace between Israel and the Arab countries, we could have done it long ago. Israel is a tiny country. Any one of the last half-dozen presidents could have forced them to make a deal with the Arabs, but they preferred to keep things as they were. Don't misunderstand me. Jews are fine people. I work with some of them in the Senate."

"I don't believe that you can - "

"Believe what you like, Oliver. A peace treaty now would not be in the best interest of this country. I don't want you to go ahead with it."

"I have to go ahead with it."

"Don't tell me what you have to do, Oliver." Senator Davis leaned forward. "I'll tell you. Don't forget who put you in that chair."

Oliver said quietly, "Todd, you may not respect me, but you must respect this office. Regardless of who put me here, I'm the president."

Senator Davis got to his feet. "The president? You're a fucking blow-up toy! You're my dummy, Oliver. You take orders, you don't give them."

Oliver looked at him for a long moment. "How many oil fields do you and your friends own, Todd?"

"That's none of your goddam business. If you go through with this, you're finished. Do you hear me? I'm giving you twenty-four hours to come to your senses."

At dinner that evening, Jan said, "Father asked me to talk to you, Oliver. He's very upset."

He looked across the table at his wife and thought, I'm going to have to fight you, too.

"He told me what was happening."

"Did he?"

"Yes." She leaned across the table. "And I think what you're going to do is wonderful."

It took a moment for Oliver to understand. "But your father's against it."

"I know. And he's wrong. If they're willing to make peace - you have to help."

Oliver sat there listening to Jan's words, studying her. He thought about how well she had handled herself as the First Lady. She had become involved in important charities and had been an advocate for a half-dozen major causes. She was lovely and intelligent and caring and - it was as though Oliver were seeing her for the first time. Why have I been running around? Oliver thought. I have everything I need right here.

"Will it be a long meeting tonight?"

"No," Oliver said slowly. "I'm going to cancel it. I'm staying home."

That evening, Oliver made love to Jan for the first time in weeks, and it was wonderful. And in the morning, he thought, I'm going to have Peter get rid of the apartment.

The note was on his desk the next morning.

I want you to know that I am a real fan of yours, and I would not do anything to harm you. I was in the garage of the Monroe Arms on the 15th, and I was very surprised to see you there. The next day when I read about the murder of that young girl, I knew why you went back to wipe your fingerprints off the elevator buttons. I'm sure that all the newspapers would be interested in my story and would pay me a lot of money. But like I said, I'm a fan of yours. I certainly would not want to do anything to hurt you. I could use some financial help, and if you are interested, this will be just between us. I will get in touch with you in a few days while you think about it.


A friend