Principal Matthews went a bright shade of red, at Brent’s affirmation, everyone cheered giving us their approval. I didn’t need it, this was one Valentine to remember, not only because I had the time of my life with three men, but I’d been crowned Queen. Something I never thought would happened, and it had taken place, all thanks to them.
* * *
When Tracey told me,she had found the one she was looking for, well part of me was relieved, and the guilt I’d once had disappeared as I spent all my time with the boys.
Before the end of the night, Tracey kissed me on the cheek and said that she had found a ride for the night. I didn’t know who she was talking about, but when we first arrived at the dance I tried to split my time between the guys and her, but then it came to a point that she disappeared and I felt guilty about it.
I was confused as the limo wasn’t heading back home, but in the opposite direction, Downtown. I thought we’d done all we set out to do tonight, which was to make Kurt jealous. I’d had this vision of us all living happily ever after, but there was no denying we were all headed to different universities, and high school was a time for new experiences. University was the start of a new journey of adulthood. What happened tonight was proof of that. I looked out the window at the bright lights, holding back the tears as the words escaped my mouth.
“I thought we were going home. We did what we set out to achieve tonight.”
Trent moved closer to me, taking off his seatbelt, then he turned my head to face him. He didn’t put the lights on, but I could feel his eyes staring deeply at me.
“What was that?”
“Faking it for Kurt, to make him…”
Before I could even finish my sentence, it ended with a kiss as he gently planted it on my lips. He wanted to stop me from talking. I pulled away from him, feeling as if I was in a trap, the same one as my parents. They stopped me from speaking, which led to me not wanting to talk or voice my opinions. Trent was the last person I expected to do the same thing to me.
The limo came to a halt. The door swung open by Brent. Then Trent and Prent left the limo too. I was alone and confused by the trail of events.
I slowly crept out of the limo, and then the boys smiled at me.
“We wanted this to be a special night. One you wouldn’t forget. The next few weeks are going to be stressful with handing in papers and finals, so we went all out for you. We just hope you like it.” Prent smiled as he gave me his elbow. ready for me to take it.
I didn’t realize when it happened, but the limo we once arrived in, had left. I had three hot, sexy men standing ready to take me into the hotel, and I was questioning it.
I took his elbow, because it was still officially winter, and the cold chills were circulating around my shoulders. I wanted to get inside as soon as possible. I had a wool shawl around me, but it was not enough to stop the cold chills prickle my skin.
We walked into the Boston Park Plaza. It was the early hours of the morning so it was quiet, and the only sounds on the marble floors were my red stilettos and the guys walking through the lobby heading to the elevator. There was one receptionist who looked up, but then appeared to be disinterested as he continued to check out his computer or phone. I couldn’t tell from where we were walking, besides my focus was on the guys and nothing else. I felt as if Prent was guiding me as my feet felt tired. I wasn’t used to wearing heels for this long. I wasn’t walking naturally, but it was as if Prent was holding me up as I started to limp.
“Maybe I should have spoken to Tracey before we left,” I said as the nerves kicked in once we reached the elevators and Brent pressed the button.
“Seriously, Jen. Relax. If you want to sit and watch Netflix all night, it’s cool by us. We just want to be here to wait on you hand and foot. We really want this night to be special for you,” Brent said.
“Tip-to-toe,” Prent whispered in my ear, as he gently kissed my exposed neck.
I laughed, and then decided enough was enough; these heels needed to come off. I leaned against Prent and took them off. Trent didn’t let me finish as the door opened and he scooped me in his arms.
He lifted me into the elevator, and I smiled at him. Prent took my shoes from the ground and joined us. Brnet was holding the door open then once we were all in, the doors shut, and we were headed to the top floor.
As we reached our floor and the door opened, Trent held on to me tightly, and I did the same as I wrapped my arms around his neck. There was something exotic about a man carrying you into a hotel suite, even if we weren't married or officially dating. Prent announced as he reached the door and put the key in it. "This is the Garden Suite, my lady.”
As the lights shone over the room, my eyes glanced at the dark sofa and the TV facing it. I realized when Trent said if I wanted to watch Netflix all night. I had thoughts of them making microwave popcorn and us all watching a movie. A cozy night. But we didn’t have to come to a hotel to do that.
There was a small kitchen to the side and a four-seated dining space. Trent released me from his arms, and I moved down the dark carpet and there in front of me was the bedroom and the queen-sized bed I would share with not only one brother, but all three of them. A big leather headboard was behind the bed. I had visions of us fucking so hard that it would bounce agains the white walls. It made me giggle for a second. No one spoke or said anything as I explored the suite. The garden suite. A place my parents would have rented in the past, and I wouldn’t have even glanced around the room, let alone take in my surroundings.
There was something different about me now, as I peaked through the window, and I couldn’t help but take in the view of the city all lit up. It felt like Christmas lights all over the peaceful city, even if it was because we were so high up that it only appeared calm. We couldn’t even hear or see if there were cars below.
I used to stay in suites like this alone, and I would dump my bag on the side leather sofa in the corner of the room. Make plans and never think about the cost, or even deem it as luxury. It would be my room paid for by dad, and I would be here for however long.
“There’s a little terrace outside. We can sit out there and eat, if you want something to eat. Your wish is our command.”
I spun around to face him as he opened the door to face the terrace.
“Why? I mean, you wanted me to pretend. I did that. That’s the end of it.”
Brent frowned as he moved close to me.