Page 44 of Valentine Dare

I didn't know what she meant by that, and neither did Kurt as he laughed, put his arm around his sidekick and they walked down the hall as if they owned it.

"Pick on someone your own size?"

She nodded. "I know. I'm not good at thinking of comebacks on the spot. Must practice harder. God, I hate him!"

I agreed, "You're not the only one."

I bit my lip as I motioned for us to go to class, happy that we had a lot of classes together on Mondays. Before she would sit alone in them, and I would sit in the middle with Kurt. Now, we sat at the back, passing notes and, at times, actually concentrating. I wanted to confide in her, but then I remembered the pact I made with the boys. No telling. I had to stick to it, even if I was dying to tell my new best friend the truth.

* * *

The last coupleof days had Trent working and practicing., With college responses coming out, even if they were a little early, it was all everyone talked about. Seeing as some had heard from colleges, and others hadn’t, we knew it was only a matter of time.

I'd opted for Berkley, seeing as I didn't want to leave California, but now I was thinking I might not even be able to afford it. I loved the sun too much and they had a great writing program that caught my eye. Trent felt the need to increase his chances to get into Yale, his dream college, by working as hard as possible. I'd been able to spend more time with Brent.

Today was the day; Prent was going to surprise me and show up and ask me to the dance.As Tracey and I left school and headed out to the parking lot, I knew I had to act surprised when Prent would put on the song to fill the carpark.

Yep, he was there on cue, and Brent and Trent were by his side.


This was going to be huge. They were all dressed in black tuxedos, ready to sing the song. They looked hot; as smoking hot as Massimodid in 365 days. But they were hotter to me because not only did I live with them, but I knew what they were like deep-down inside. Gentle, loving guys who would do anything to protect the one they were with, even if we weren't together really, but faking, they'd done more for me than anyone in my family. I tried not to get emotional about it.

"Is this for you?" Tracey asked as she started to put all the pieces of the puzzle together. I didn't reply but smiled at her as I took her hand and moved closer toward the parking lot.

"Marry You" was playing in the background, but they managed to change the words, to make it, Date You.

I started swinging and clapping as did all the other kids. They weren't sure who they were singing to, but it was clear as they drew closer in my direction and to the front lawn, it was to me.

All eyes were on me with envy as the balloons started to appear out of what felt like nowhere at the time, but then I noticed they'd got some of their friends to help them, and they were holding the balloons. Every one of them had a letter. It didn't take a genius to figure out the letters spelled Date and Dance.

Kurt was there, in full view, with his arms crossed. I could tell he wasn't impressed, and our plan was working. As I was in the middle of the lawn, the guys in front of me, they were singing and dancing. Not only were they hot, but talented too. If this was really happening and real, I would feel like the luckiest girl in the world. Everyone was pointing at me, then them, and it all felt surreal.

As the song came to an end, as the balloons spelled what I assumed they would, they were on their knees in front of me.

"Jenny Hampton, will you go to the Valentine Dance with us!"

I clapped my hands, thinking I wasn't a good actress, but then I heard everyone cheering as I gently moved from them one-by-one and kissed them on the lips and said, "Yes."

There was a roar of laughter as I agreed to date them. Phones appeared, taking photos, and the spot in which Kurt had appeared was now empty. Our plan had worked, and I wished I'd seen his face. But I couldn't take my eyes off the three men I was going to the Valentine Dance with, and they couldn't take their eyes off me.