The next day,I was sitting down for lunch, hoping that Jenny had a good day. Spending time with Tracey has no doubt been good for her. It was as if having a friend she could count on made her more confident. She strolled in, and I winked at her.
“So dude, what’s up with that? Are the rumors true about you and Jenny?” Pete asked, and I caught him admiring her legs, then whistling to the guys getting them to take a look too. It was nuts! I should have been proud, but the idea of Pete eyeing her up along with the rest of the gang got to me for a split second.
“Hold on to your purses ladies, the thief’s out!” Kurt shouted, while pointing at Jenny.
“What the fuck is up with that guy?”
A roar of laughter filled the school cafeteria, and then all of a sudden it was as if Kurt wasn’t satisfied with just humiliating her in front of everyone. He marched up to her and grabbed her purse.
“What you got in here? Credit cards?”
She dropped her tray and without hesitation, I ran up to him. I could see Trent doing the same thing from the other side of the cafeteria. Kurt continued to torment her as she tried to hold on for dear life, and then out of nowhere, before I could even get a hold of him, he spat on her.
What the fuck?
I didn’t hesitate as his mouth greeted my fist, and Tracey stumped on his toe so hard. Meanwhile poor Jenny had all the contents of her purse splattered on to the floor. She lifted her dress to try and wipe the spat of her face. I was too busy trying to beat the shit out of Kurt, Trent was holding me back and Jenny was running away crying, leaving Tracey to pick up the mess.
The woman that walked into the cafeteria with her hair tied up in a bun and amps of confidence had turned into a frightened little girl. Principle Matthews came into the cafeteria and was asking what all the commotion was about.
Kurt was off the floor wiping the blood from face. As Principal Matthews asked him directly what had happened, I was shocked to hear Kurt’s words.
“Nothing, Principle Matthews. I thought I had money missing from my wallet, but I found it.”
I shook my head, shocked Kurt didn’t rat me out. The students in the cafeteria turned their heads, bored after the excitement had died down, and nothing worth watching was happening anymore.
Tracey picked up the rest of Jenny’s things and smiled, “I’ll go after her.”
We both nodded our heads as Principal Matthews turned around, scratching his bald head, baffled by the train of events.
I said to Trent, “For sure, she’ll agree to do it.”
Trent winked “Without a doubt.”
I headed to the bathroom to put some cold water on my fist. I really needed to control my temper, but for some reason, whenever it came to Kurt, it wasn’t an option. I always lost it.
* * *
I hadn’t seenJenny all day. When I did try to talk to her in the hallway, she ignored me. Trent said that she went home. She must have skipped a couple of classes to leave.
I just didn’t know if Tracey told her all the details, but I knew once we were home I would find out.
I slammed the door shut, and she was hovering around it, as if she was waiting for me or someone else.
“Hey, called and text to see if you needed a ride, but you didn’t respond.”
She lifted her hand. “Phone’s broke. Broke when Kurt tried to…well, you know what happened.”
I nodded. “Fucking weird right. I mean, what was he thinking?”
She sighed. “He was thinking that his dad may be going to jail too, and he needed someone to take his frustration out on.”
I dropped my bag on the floor, like I did all the time. No doubt mom, or worse, Trent, would tell me to pick it up and hang it or dump it in my room like a normal person. I just wanted to know what was going on. The rest I would sort out later.
“I wanted to tell you yes, lets fucking show Kurt.”