“What stopped you?” she asked as she started to unbutton her dress. No more did I have to let my imagination go wild as her bra was exposed and her nipples were poking through the lace. I scooped a bit of chocolate on my finger, and with my hand which was in between her legs, I moved it to let down one strap and expose her naked breast. She stared at me with hunger in her eyes. I put the chocolate slowly around her pebbled nipple. She closed her eyes as I started to flick my tongue around her areola.
“Yes,” she purred as I held her steady and then repeated the same motion with her other exposed breast. The harder I sucked, the more she lost control.
I looked up to see her face was flushed; she was red, and curiosity got the better of me as I wondered if she was wet. I triggered a finger in between her legs, and it was greeted with her soaking wet panties.
I carried her to the sofa so we could be more comfortable, her arms weakly wrapped around my neck as my aching cock wanted to take her. I needed to feel her pleasure. She didn’t retract or even ask what was going to happen next.
As she laid perfectly on the sofa, she gazed at me for a split second, then down to my cock which was begging to be set free.
“You're so damn hard!” she choked as her fingers started to get to work and undid my belt. She didn’t need to be told what to do. The lust in my eyes said it all.
I’d been with girls, but not like this. I knew what to do when it came to first and second base, but all the way was something new to me, but not her.
I hesitated, and as she tugged on my boxers I told her, “Wait. We don’t need to do this.”
She rejected my hesitation. “No, but I want to.”
“I’ve never…” I confessed, as the realization I had to tell her my secret, the one that even my brother’s didn’t know about.
She pulled back as if she could read my mind.
“You mean, you’re a virgin.”
I nodded, embarrassed about my revelation.
“How is that even possible?”
My once aching cock started to die as the humiliation took over my confession. I pulled my pants back up, knowing the road we were heading down and thinking I’d completely killed the mood.
“I’ve just never felt confident about it all, not like my brothers. I mean, they’re so fucking assertive.”
“I saw you working in the kitchen. You didn’t seem as if you were completely insecure when it came to cooking.”
“That’s because I’m good at it.”
She placed her hand on my face, stroking the side, and I closed my eyes feeling the gentleness of her touch. She had put a spell on me. One in which I wouldn’t want to shake, even if I could. I kissed her, not the same way I’d done earlier, but with a hungriness as we started to get aroused once again.
Our tongues started to entwine in each other’s mouths. No more was I holding back but touching every part of her, feeling the warmth of her skin, relishing in the scent of her heavily body. Before long, she was completely naked on the sofa, and I did the same as I kicked off my sneakers and she helped pull down my pants. Then, I slung my top over my head and threw it to the side.
Our naked bodies rubbing against each other, my hand moved in between her legs. She held on to my cock and guided it into her slowly.
It ached at first, the touch of another on my cock. The warmth of her fingers made me so fucking hard, so I clumsily moved inside her. She had one hand on my butt as she held on to it tightly. My tongue moved inside her mouth as we continued to sync in rhythm, but no more was I holding back as I pulled my head back for a split second to grab some air.
“Arrh!” She cried out as the depth of my cock entered her. “You’re so fucking big.”
It gave me the encouragement I needed to perform and make her come. All my frustrations over the years, wanting to be with that one girl, washed away as I thrust deeper and harder inside of her.
She slapped my butt and arched her back and screamed the house down. The more she screamed, the more I rocked inside of her. Not wanting this moment to end, but wanting to claim her just as my brothers did every night. The tension was too much. I couldn’t hold coming any longer. As my sperm started to shoot out like an automatic gun, over and over again I jerked, thinking it would stop, but more and more poured out of me. She flopped underneath me as the reality hit…I wasn’t the only one coming, but she was too.
Her breathing rasped as it came to an end. The lights which flashed in front of my eyes suddenly became black as I regained my consciousness. I wasn’t a virgin anymore. I’d given Jenny a part of me, something I’d held on to for so long, on the sofa in the living room. I would never sit on this sofa and not remember this moment for the rest of my life.
“Was it good for you?” she asked.
I kissed her gently. “Better than good. It was excellent.”
She laughed at my words. I couldn’t think what more to say, but I wasn’t ready to move, and she didn’t complain as we laid on the sofa with her arms and legs wrapped around me, and I placed gentle kisses not only on her mouth, but her face too.