The final yearwas upon us, and I had to go back to school. I did dread it at first, but I smiled all day when I arrived to school with Brent. He was attracted to me, there was no denying that, and I couldn’t help but feel the same way. There was something about each brother which made me want to get to know them better. Brent was clearly the primitive one, the type who didn’t hide what he was feeling and didn’t apologize for it. Prent was the quiet one of the three, more sensitive, and it made me real curious about him. Trent was the one I could talk to about anything, and felt he never judged me, no matter how embarrassing it was.
“What’s the meaning of life?” Brent asked as he appeared at my locker.
I turned to look at him, his blue eyes shone, and his dirty-blond hair was cut even shorter than the last time I saw him. When did he have time to get a haircut?
“No idea.”
He shook his head. “You disappoint me, fair lady, I thought you would be the one with all the answers.”
I was just about to reply to him when I saw Kurt; the summer freedom and not having to be around him all day made me forget about him to a certain degree, but the moment we came to school, I remembered my world before. It was as if it all came flooding back to me. I spent all day avoiding him because we had no classes together and this morning Brent told me to stay off social media. This was our final year. Soon we would be out of high school and I should focus on that and nothing else. I listened because my nerves were already sky high, but with the boys making me feel so comfortable, they managed to soothe it until now.
“Look what the rat dragged in!” Kurt blurted out.
“This school has gone downhill since they brought in crooks. Remember to hold on to your money, otherwise she may end up stealing it, just like her dad.”
Everyone was looking and laughing; they did that whenever Kurt was around. He loved an audience. He was wearing his Gucci suit and a chain so damn big he made Jay-Z’s chains look small.
“Hold on, Kurt. She’s been through enough, seeing as you left her to pay the bill at the country club last month!”
Kurt choked. “That’s right. One piece of trash to another. Of course, you probably paid the bill. Probably cost you a month’s wages.”
Brent shook his head. “Not a month, but a week. How low are you, with all your money and bling, to let us poor folks pay for your damn lunch bill?”
They were arguing, but then I noticed Kurt had his arm around Veronica. The girl that I loved to hate. She made it known she was interested in Kurt from the time she joined Boston High. She was the perfect match for him with her fiery red hair, green eyes and hourglass-shaped body. A figure he would accuse me of being oversized, but with her, the way he grabbed her ass, it was as if he was trying to make a point to me. Not only had it taken him a month to find someone to replace me, but she was everything that I wasn’t - from a teen model to having thousands of fans on her Instagram.
“Break it up!” Mr. Wholes screamed as he drew closer to them. He was the Phys. Ed. teacher.
In a few seconds, fists were going to be thrown. Kurt wasn’t capable of throwing a punch, but Brent was, and Kurt was so fucking vicious that he would receive the punch and happily take Brent to court for it.
That’s all he was good at, provoking people and then squeezing money out of them, just like his dad.
My eyes darted to Brent, who was holding back. He was so angry, and I could tell he was going to burst. It wasn’t his first run-in with Kurt. I hurried after Brent as he walked away. Kurt laughed; I knew that laugh too well. It was one of victory. He knew he could provoke Brent and get what he wanted out of him. Maybe not now, but another day he would do it and win. I had to show Brent that Kurt wasn’t worth it.
'Ten months and we’ll be out of here!’ Brent had said this morning.
He would never have to see Kurt again. I chased after him shouting his name, not knowing what direction he was heading in. Thank goodness, I had a good breakfast this morning. I wasn’t much of an athlete, so the food really gave me the energy to chase after Trent. He was leaving school, and I knew the path he was taking. I’d done it so many times with Kurt. A cut in the fence at the back, and we were out. Everyone was busy in the hallway rushing to class. I decided I needed time to heal, so as Trent headed to the back, I lost him. I figured where he was going, so I followed. He was out of sight as I reached the fence. With all my last strength, I cut through the fence, and when I got through the bushes, I couldn’t see him.
This is when I felt a hand grab me and pull me into a bush.
“Why are you following me?” He was breathing so heavily and sweating. I couldn’t imagine he was sweating from running, not like me.
I tried to catch my breath.
“I wanted to make sure you are okay.”
He shook his head. “You shouldn’t be cutting class.”
“Neither should you.”
He shrugged his shoulder. “Touché, but Kurt just winds me up in so many ways.”
I nodded. “I know. I get it.”
“I shouldn’t let him get to me. It has been five years since the accident. We went to court, and his dad was cleared of all charges, even if he was speeding, and it always stresses the fuck out of me.”