Page 4 of Valentine Dare

It was all over social media, but it was Kurt’s posts that were the worst after all she’d been through today. When I did figure out where the switch was, she was standing frozen, as if she was blind and the light didn’t phase her.

“Then again, I’ve been abandoned by my mom and dad.”

I nodded, wondering if she wanted me to say something or she was just venting.

“I have an aunt and uncle. Ok, so Aunt Janice lives in Boston and Uncle Mike in Seattle, but I could call them both and tell them what’s happened. Maybe they would help.”

Was it my cue to speak?

She moved toward me. “I just don’t have a phone. Ok, so I have a phone. An iPhone 12 which I’ll clearly have to sell.”

Ok, so she was prepared and knew what was happening, a bit.

“Let me see if my phone works…” I watched her take it out of her purse, hit a number on speed-dial, then she waved her phone in her hand.

“Surprise, no surprise. It doesn’t work. Fuck! I want to throw it against the wall, but I’ll need the money. You’ve paid my bill, and you work here like crazy.”

How did she know my shifts?

Apart from the Sunday lunch which she comes with her parents, and Kurt’s too, we’d never seen much of each other. As for in high school, well, it was high school. Everyone had their own groups and hung around with only people in their circle, like hamsters in cages unable to leave the wheel unless they had a hand in doing so. Which no one dared do. The cool kids didn’t want to hang out with the nerds let alone the socially awkward kids. Everyone had a role to play, and hers was hanging not only with the cool kids, but rich ones too.

She shifted her eyes, as if she’d said too much. “I’ll pay you back when this whole mess was sorted. I hate to ask something else. I shouldn’t really.”

I had to stop her from talking and reassure her in some way.

“I’m sure you will.” I knew it was a lie.

The FBI had arrested her dad and while they dragged him out, they recited so many charges. Brent told me, who witnessed it all. They were rich, they always found a way to get out of whatever hole they’d created.

I gave her my phone. “Call your aunt and uncle, see if they can help. Take your time. I need to get back to my shift.”

She opened her mouth to say something, but then the door swung open. It was time for us to leave. The cleaners were coming in, and we shouldn’t have been there in the first place. I apologized and we left.

“Sit out there in the garden make your calls. Don’t feel under pressure to make any rash decisions because I don’t need my phone right now. Maybe you’ll think of others to call.”

She glowed as I handed her my phone.

“And when you’re done, come look for me.”

Shit, I was late, and as much as I hated this job, the pay was too good to throw it away. There was only one month left until the summer was over, and then there was the final year of high school. Then, again I could give it up because I had a full scholarship at Yale. It should be enough to get me by, but I still had a job lined up on Saturdays until the club closed for Winter just so I didn’t have to bother Mom for money. I liked the idea of being independent now and even more so once I 'd be in college.

I left her and went back to the restaurant. Tables to wait. Rich clients to please and all that. Yep, I couldn’t fucking wait for summer to end so it would be all over, so I wouldn’t have to do it every fucking day.