“Shut up!”
I laughed. “I’m not kidding. I live with three hot SEALs.”
“I’ll be the judge of that. What do they look like?”
“Well, they’re triplets, and they have emerald eyes and dark hair, but one of them has long hair. I don’t know exactly how old they are… I’m looking after the twins not them, after all.”
She giggled. “We need to get to the restaurant soon.”
As the lights changed once again, we headed to the other side of the street.
“I need a drink and something to eat. I can’t believe you’ve left your narcissistic boyfriend to go and live with three SEALs.”
I decided to put her straight, she seemed to think there was some romantic interest. None of them had showed me that. Rick had me looking after the twins, Stan had me cooking and pretending it was all by him, and Pete… Well, I still hadn’t met him.
“Nope, I moved to get away from my cheating boyfriend and figure out my next move. I can’t go back home, because well, Mom told me not to leave, and I did it anyway. I’m not exactly welcome there and I have no where else to go.”
She winked at me. “Keep telling yourself that. Your mom wouldn’t want you on the street. If you went home, she would welcome you with open arms. All moms would do that to their kids if they had lost the place they were staying in. And from what you told me about your mom, she doesn’t seem heartless. The only reason you’re in the penthouse and looking after the twins is because you’re homeless and have no where else to go. Please! This is why you’re wearing the sexy pink number and do you have lipstick on, too? I’ve never seen you wear make-up. Come on, let’s eat. We’ve worked up an appetite and I want to know more about these SEALs that you have got you looking like a sexy nanny.”
We headed in the direction of Palermo’s. Dawn couldn’t stop giggling, and it was starting to get contagious. I was just happy to see her, a familiar face, someone I could confide in and she would never judge me. Well, not judge me with anything apart from Ben. She hated him with a vengeance, and he felt the same way about her. He called her a bad influence, but clearly, I’d had a wake-up call. She was light while he was the darkness in my life, and now I was making way for light and happiness.