Page 64 of Nanny for the SEALs

“Okay, so what you do is pee a little, then the heart of the pee, you put the stick under it. Got it?”

I nodded. Thinking maybe if I peed a little too much, then I would get the dead end of the pee and it would be negative.

“Katherine Andrea Baldson, go in there and pee on that stick. Stop being such a baby.”

That word. The one word I didn’t want to hear right now. Baby.

“Do you want me to come in and pull your panties down and put you on the toilet?”

“Mom.” I sighed, thinking she was going a little overboard, but she did have a point. I had no idea what time the boys would be back, and I needed to find out and figure out what to do beforehand. Thanksgiving was tomorrow, the twins would be back, and I didn’t know if I could spend the night in Rick’s or Pete’s arms, knowing I could be having their child.

The test only gave a round about date on how many weeks I was, but that wouldn’t help me in the slightest because I’d managed to sleep with not only one, but two of them in the same week. Thanksgiving was something I was looking forward to at first. Now, it was going to be a disaster, and I sighed thinking about my hopes of the future being shattered.

“Just remember, if you want me to come in, then no problem,” Mom shouted from the other side of the door. I had visions of her coming in and forcing me to pee.

God, Katie, just get it together. Mom’s trying to be helpful. She wants me to get it all over with before the guys get home.

“Here goes nothing!” I sighed as I opened the packet, read the instructions, and started to get to work. Who knew peeing would be so difficult when it has to be done with a pregnancy test. I thought about all the women, who like me, dreaded the thought of being pregnant.

Then again, what exactly was I doing with my life?

Rick was still paying me as if I was a nanny. I was supposed to be using this time to go and figure out what to do with my life, but I hadn’t been doing that. I’d just been enjoying living with Rick and the twins.

The pee started to trickle out, and I thought about what Mom said. How the heck do you know if it’s the beginning, middle, or end of the pee? After I held it for a little, then I put it in the middle of my legs, and it came pouring out. Trying to direct the damn test and hold my pee so it flowed uncontrollably was proving to be difficult, but I managed to do it in the end. I had more than enough to figure out what I already suspected.

I put the test on the floor, got up, and Mom was shouting again. “Are you sure you don’t need any help?”

I didn’t reply, but flushed the toilet, and proceeded to wash my hands and wipe them. I looked in the mirror, trying to see what Mom had said earlier. She was right, I looked different. I was glowing, my skin felt fresher, but I thought it was due to the new skin product I bought. They have been advertising it like crazy, and I felt like trying something new. My eyes stretched even further down to the shirt I was wearing, and my breasts looked as if they had a new lease of life. Pete had said only the other night he loved them so much, he’d never said that before and still nothing registered. I’d been too busy thinking about Mom coming to visit, worrying about her judging me, but she’d done the complete opposite—it was as if it was nothing to her. After wiping my hands, and then opening the door, I saw Mom sobbing while covering her eyes.

“Hey, Mom, what’s up?” I went to hug her. She was the same height as me, but she’d lost a little weight, and for some reason, felt a lot smaller.

“Now, I’m being the dramatic one. I just thought about your dad… I hadn’t thought about him in years, and if he was here. Him not being around to see his grandchild… I don’t know. I suppose I was just getting a little too sentimental.”


Of course!

They say time heals grief, and I felt guilty for not thinking about him. I hadn’t done for a long time, not because he was a bad man. No, he was the best. It was just, it’d been so long ago, and for the longest while it’d been only Mom and I, then Ben came into my life and it’d been all about him. Dad. Hmm, what would he think about all this? Would he be happy? Or annoyed about me not doing anything for myself?

I shook my head at the idea of thinking badly about the dead. No, he would be proud and rooting me on for having the strength to leave Ben. Anything was better than staying with that pig.

“He would be proud of you, you know that, right?”

“Proud? Mom, I live with three guys. Well, not exactly. A couple of them have moved out. So, not really three.”

She chuckled. “Is that the only thing you see when you look at your life? You live with three guys?”

I tilted my head as she broke away from my arms and headed to the test, which was still on the floor. I was too nervous to look at it, let alone pick it up.

“Well, the guys were telling me about the way you look after the twins. The fact they were broken, and if it wasn’t for you, they don’t know where they would be.”

“Wait, so you knew I was with both of them before I told you?”


She bent down to pick up the pregnancy test, then she smiled as she said, “Looks like I’m going to be a granny.”

I sighed as I looked at the two lines, thinking she was right. I wasn’t so excited about being a mom. It was one thing being a nanny, that part was easy; it was a completely different story when it came to being a mom. One I knew nothing about, but had to learn quickly. My heart sank at the idea of telling the guys and them being disappointed with the idea of another child being in the penthouse.