Page 62 of Nanny for the SEALs



I took Mom’s hands as the boys exchanged words and they were happy. It was good to see them like that after the way Stan left so many weeks ago. Seeing him today made me feel as if I’d known him for years. He’d changed so much, not only physically had he lost a couple of pounds or probably more, but his eyes and even the way he was dressed reminded me of when I first met Rick. All clean-shaven and well polished, not the Rick I know today. I bet even Stan was surprised to see Rick had changed and wasn’t as uptight as he used to be, the twins are to thank for him completely letting his guard down.

“I’m so happy you’re with the boys. They seem so nice. I can’t wait to meet the twins.”

I was helping Mom unpack in what used to be my old room. I hadn’t told her about the sleeping arrangement. I knew she wouldn’t disapprove, but then, I didn’t know if she would approve, either.

“The way those boys spoke about you, I was trying to figure out if Rick really was your boss or your boyfriend.”

I closed my eyes as I turned to face her. I stopped putting her clothes and hanging them in the closet, and decided tomorrow’s Thanksgiving, so I should just be open and tell her what’s really going on.

“He is.”

She hugged me. “Oh good, I was hoping you would say that. I want you to be happy, you know that.”

I held on to her hands as I had to tell her the other news. Not only was Rick my boyfriend and was I looking after the twins, but there was more to this household.

“Pete’s my boyfriend, too!”

She screamed and then covered my mouth. Her dark eyes lit up as if they were about to jump out of their sockets. “No!”

I nodded. “Yes.” Then I covered my mouth and giggled like a little girl, because it was the first time I’d actually told someone. When we came back from San Fran, we told Aunt Elizabeth, but she’d already guessed it. She said she knew before she’d met me there was something special about me. Now, we had to tell Stan, but then I assumed the guys were already out talking about it. They said they would approach him with the idea since they knew Stan was into me—even if he never acted like it. They also told me he was a virgin, somethingI found impossible to believe, but then I knew the boys wouldn’t lie to me.

Every time Mom let go of her mouth, she would laugh so loud and hold it again. Years of being a teacher had made her humble, but I could tell by the way she dressed with heels and her black shift dress, something had changed. Whenever she went out of town she would never wear more than a jeans and shirt, but today, she dressed up. She said she was coming to L.A. and she wanted to fit in. Now, she looked more like the sister that I never had, more than my mom.

“I can’t believe it. You got out of the realms of that narcissistic bastard, and you’ve hooked up with not one SEAL, but two.”

I shrugged. “Maybe not just two… I mean, I want them to be the way they were before. Brothers who would do anything for each other. I know Stan’s into me.”

She titled her head as she motioned for me to sit on the edge of the bed next to her. “I think he’s a little more than just into you judging by the way he looked at you when we walked in…”

“I know, but he’s been gone for months. We don’t know if he’s coming home for good or not.”

She smiled, not saying anything but just using her hand to cup my face. My precious mom, who I turned my back on and left, with Ben claiming he was the love of my life. Thank God she forgave me, because one thing’s for sure, I needed her more than ever now.

“Do they know?”

I frowned, wondering what she was talking about.

“That you’re pregnant, silly.”

I waved my hand and dismissed the idea of it. Where the hell did she come up with that idea?

“No, I’m just feeling a little under the weather. I think it’s something I ate. Nothing more than that. So, don’t get excited, there’s no baby in here.”

She tapped my hand and no more was she laughing or even chuckling a little. She was looking at me with all the seriousness in the world.

“I’m a teacher. I see a lot of pregnant women, and believe me, sweet child. You are one of them. When was the last time you had your period?”

I dismissed the idea of it. “No. I’ve never been regular. Even when I was on the pill… Oh, crap!”


My mind was searching for the answer like crazy, or how to re-iterate what was going on inside my mind as I took my hands back and my mouth naturally fell open as it dawned on me. I jumped off the bed as if it was hot coal. “No, no, and no!”

I was holding my hand to my heart, which was racing out of control, as Mom’s words suddenly make more sense.