I decided to call Katie; it had been a while since we spoke. Sure, we’d texted since I upset her and left for San Fran, but after Rick told me she’d never been out of state apart from her trip to L.A, I knew I had to talk to her and convince her to take a trip with Rick and clear the air before she came. I couldn’t see her passing on a trip of a lifetime.
“Hey,” I said as soon as she picked up. I double-checked with Rick if it was good to call. He was at home, bored. His trips to the club were practically non-existent, and he wasn’t in the mood to open a new one. He seemed to have a change in heart in opening a few of them and wanted to do something new, the question was what.
“Pete, glad to hear from you. Rachel has just gone to sleep. Wait.”
I could hear the door click shut. She giggled silently and I could hear her walking away, most likely from the twins’ room. “I swear Rachel has had a shot of Coke or Dr. Pepper. She was Ms. Energy, today. She just wouldn’t stop all day.”
I checked the time. “Yeah, a little weird for her to be napping at this time.”
“I know. I think I may regret it, and I won’t be able to put her down tonight.”
“You’re so good. I wouldn’t think like that. I’ll be too happy about wanting to have a few z’s before I had to do whatever I had to do next with them.”
She laughed. “Don’t sell yourself short. You’re a great uncle.”
It was at that moment I realized there seemed to be no awkwardness between us. Not like when I last left her. I felt bad for doing that I needed to work hard on the way I spoke to people. Women in particular. Especially one who was so special to me.
“I’m glad we’re good. I was a bit worried because of the last time we spoke. Well, we're face-to-face.” I sounded nervous and was struggling to get the words out. “I said all the wrong things.”
She cleared her throat. “About that. I wanted to say I was the jerk. You were just pointing out the obvious, just saying the truth, and I was the one who was acting all defensive and shit. I was the jerk for making you feel bad for saying the truth.”
“Sensitivity is not my style.”
She choked, “So, I noticed.”
“Touché! Please forgive me, and even more, please have patience with me. I’ll get there eventually, especially with your support.”
I sounded desperate, wanting to please her, and making sure I didn’t cross the line. The idea of her leaving was something I couldn’t bear. I’d never had a woman so important to me in which the prospect of losing her was too painful.
“Rick said you were there and he was even talking about us all going there to visit you. I was going to call to ask if it was okay after what happened when you were here last.”
“That’s exactly why I called you. I even found a great crèche and reserved spots for the twins. I’m sure they would love it there. This way you can see the city, we can go out at times, and it would be fun.”
“Oh my. I’m the nanny. You shouldn’t be finding creches for the twins. I should be looking after them.”
I shook my head. “I think by now, you’ve figured out that you’re a lot more than just the nanny. You shouldn’t sell yourself short. You mean more to us than just looking after the twins. Otherwise, we wouldn’t invite you to come here.”
“No one’s ever made me feel the way you guys make me feel.”
I didn’t know how to respond to that, especially because I could hear her sniffing on the other end of the line.
“Rick tells me that your mom wants to visit for Thanksgiving. If she’s a mean cook like you are, then why book a hotel? Why not let her come stay with us.”
“So, you’ll make my mom stay here in exchange for cooking. Sounds just like Stan.”
“That’s not fair! Anyway, think about it. No pressure. Besides, it would be good to have some more female company in the house.”
“We’ll think about it…”
We talked about the twins and Rick being bored. Katie complained he was like a bear with a sore head. The conversation was natural, as it’d been when we were in the hotel. I felt silly not wanting to pick up the phone earlier and call her. Everything about being with Katie felt right. There was no doubt about it in my mind; she was becoming a lot more than the nanny, she was starting to have a special place in my heart.
* * *
I decidedto do a little digging into all the things we could do while Katie and Rick were in San Fran, and every single time, the only thing that kept popping up were dirty thoughts. Nasty ones. About the three of us together.