Page 2 of Sexy SEALs

“Is that a hint?”

She avoided my eyes, and I shook my head in my defense. “Well, it worked out for you. Now, you’re a little sex kitten.”

“Yeah, but let’s face it. We’re in our final year, close to being in our last semester. Isn’t that what college life is all about? New experiences and then leaving and then going out into the real world. What’s the likelihood of things staying how they are, when it’s all over and done?”

“Don’t be a Debbie Downer. Shoot, that’s me. Always putting a dampener on things.” I clapped my hands swiftly lightening the mood. “Which one is it tonight?”

I said as I flirted with her, and tugged at her denim skirt, which was so cute with its gold beads she’d added to it at the side. She was a designer at heart but studying Economics. Her dad said if she came to Stanford to get a degree, then he would support her in whatever dream she had after she got her degree. That didn’t stop her from trying out new things and going to every design show here, and that was only part of the deal, as long as she married the guy they chose for her too.

“Ben. We’re going to the fashion show five blocks from here. You could come if you like?” She raised an eyebrow.

“Fashion and I don’t get along. You know that.”

“I thought we were changing the mood; here you go again!” She rolled her eyes. “You have me as a roomie, and I’ve been putting you in shape, so you flow like the rest of the fashion freaks like me. Anyway, been great catching up, some of us have plans that don’t involve staying indoors on a Saturday night. Think about what you’re going to say and send it please!” She said as she whisked around the room, picked up her purse and phone, and shoved a few condoms in her purse. “Don’t wait up!”

I laughed, thinking it would be the last thing I was planning to do tonight. As the door shut, I knew what I had to do. Not write to one of them, but all three. The question was, I didn’t know who to write to first, and what started as a good idea, was slowly turning into a bad one.

* * *

I could pinch myself.No, I could fucking die. After Lucy left, I decided the only way to solve my writers block: wine and food.

If there was such a thing as self-control, I’d failed miserably. A couple of glasses of wine led to finishing the bottle. Amid that came cravings for pepperoni pizza. I ordered a medium, because they had an offer and I was on a budget, but then I ended up eating nearly all of it. Lucy would be proud. She was always telling me that if I was going to indulge, make sure to relish it! Don’t worry about my figure all of the time. Treat myself but not all of the time; everything in moderation. Just sometimes, I should indulge and not worry about my figure, but relish the food!

Still suffering from writer’s block. So then I gave in to a different hunger, and I got out the dildo.I thought in all the craziness that I would do some exercise. I wasn’t a jogger, nor a cardio-circuit kind of girl, but I loved lying on the bed and having the satisfaction that I needed on the sheets.

I was like a cat in heat.

No, more like three cats in heat. As I nearly broke Rambo. It gave me the inspiration which I needed as I typed, and then I couldn’t stop typing after I came, not only once, but twice. I knew exactly what I wanted to say, and I didn’t hesitate in expressing myself in all the wrong ways.

This wasn’t good for an introduction. I basically solicitated myself online in the space of a few minutes.

Hey Sexy SEAL Adonis,

Letme tell you all about myself.

No, I won’t. That’s boring and if I did then you definitely wouldn’t write back to me. Hell, I wouldn’t write back to myself.

My names Kiara, but everyone calls me KK. My ex called me Kinky Kiara. Why?

Wouldn’t you love to know?

If you do, then write me back and let’s talk some more.

Kinky Kiara.

Aka KK

I woke-up,and saw that my Inbox was flashing on my phone. Rambo was still in my hand, which meant that I would not be sitting down again today. I was sore. Really sore. As if I’d been sitting on a horse for hours on end,it galloped up and down, on and on, and didn’t slow down. No, it just went on, and on.

Thank goodness it was Sunday and I didn’t have to go to class. Otherwise, I couldn’t go to one class today. This was going to be a painful day, but I could lie down for most of it. I just hoped that we had some ice in our freezer, so I could put it in between my legs and scream the whole dorm down. No one would even think that I was being attacked, due to me being in a dorm and that was one of the familiar sounds all day and night, during the weekend. Someone would probably cheer me on, another would scream out to keep the noise down. Sometimes, I wondered if we did really live in a dorm or a brothel over the weekends?

I couldn’t believe that I’d emailed not once, but three times. I'd copied and pasted the emails. I just hoped that I had at least remembered to change their names!

Please God, if you love me enough, then you would have reminded me to change their names! Or even better, done it for me.

I dropped Rambo on the floor, which felt like a second skin, because I’d been squeezing him a little too tightly. Then I shifted to the side of my bed. Thank goodness, Lucy wasn’t around to witness this, or I wouldn’t have heard the end of it for days. Then, I blinked and opened then closed my eyes as I looked at the first email.

The subject had changed, and I realized that not only had he received the book, but he’d strongly disapproved about what I had sent.