THE SHIP HADdocked shortly before sunset. Thankfully, the winter storm had died down just enough to allow the Sybil Curse to sail through the ice-covered water. Janelle had been in the study most of the day, spending her time with books and humming to herself. The boredom of being locked inside a castle—every hour, every day—seemed to be taking its toll on her. Elijah sent his staff to prepare the guest rooms and put together supper upon the crew’s arrival. After checking to see that Janelle was sufficiently preoccupied with the massive shelves of books, Elijah walked over to meet Liam.
“They’re here, Your Highness,” Liam said, his brigade lining up behind them. “I spotted their dragon flying overhead. I’ve already sent a few of my men to escort them to the castle. But—” He swallowed. “Sir, I think we may have a problem.”
“The dragon?” Elijah asked.
“No, sir. It’s Aiden.”
“There’s news from his warriors that they saw him and Valkanon disappear north through the woods early this morning before sunrise. He didn’t show up to train the new guards this morning.”
Elijah stilled.
“And we learned moments ago he was at the tavern last night; around the time we were—”
Elijah slammed his hand against the table, rattling the wood, before hearing something drop behind him. Janelle stood at the room’s door frame with two books now at her feet.
“He . . . he what?” She shook her head, backing up.
“Liam, take care of it,” Elijah said, still trying to calm the rage that Aiden would be so reckless as to travel to Myloria, let alone with only one of his men.
Janelle bolted toward the hall, but Liam took hold of her, wrapping his arms around her waist to pull her in. Her head came back, attempting to crash against his skull, but he dodged the assault, bending her arm back to subdue her.
“Easy, Janelle. Don’t do anything stupid,” Elijah heard his guard say in her ear.
Janelle was a skilled fighter, but she had no advantage over Liam’s size and training.
“Get your hands off me, Liam. Or I swear I’ll—”
“Elijah,” a calm, soothing voice called from the other end of the room.
Elijah turned, seeing Nola standing with a large travel bag at her feet. She only eyed Elijah for a second before turning her attention to Liam, wrestling with Janelle at the far end of the room.
“Did we interrupt something?” she asked as Lincoln and Mazie stepped up behind her.
The little pixie hovered over Mazie’s shoulder, then zipped into the room.
“Nothing we can’t handle,” Elijah said, giving Nola a wink. “It’s good to see you.”
“What?” Lincoln said. “No hug?” He held out his arms.
Elijah smirked, but before sauntering over to them, he looked over his shoulder to see Liam finally subduing Janelle to the point where she stopped moving. Another guard grabbed her elbow to help her stand straight.
Elijah held up a hand. “Give me just a moment,” he said. “Make yourself at home. Supper will be out shortly.”
As Elijah turned toward Janelle, Nola’s eyes narrowed at him. He realized she wouldn’t like what was about to happen, but he had to deal with it, or he would have bigger problems than Nola’s judgmental glare.
“Janelle, love, I need you to get back to your room. Library time is over,” he said calmly, reaching out only to have her slap his hand away.
“Aiden is traveling to Myloria, isn’t he?” she asked.
Elijah paused and looked at Liam before saying, “We’re ninety percent sure.”
Her legs buckled and Liam had to catch her from falling. Janelle looked like she had been punched in the gut, her body doubling forward with the shock. Liam’s arms held her up, but it only reminded her of her captivity and made her struggle against his hold once again.
“They’ll take him and use him against me! Then Kieran will kill him,” she said. “I have to leave and save my brother!” There was an edge of hysteria creeping into her voice. She looked like a desperate, trapped animal, ready to gnaw off its own leg to escape.