THE LOCKED GATEexploded open as Elijah threw out his power, slamming the force into the wood and blowing the hinges apart.
“Through there!” Janelle shouted, pointing to an archway that led to the mansion’s back garden.
They jumped from the horse, slamming into the ground and rolling onto their backs. It felt as if the air had been ripped from Elijah’s lungs. He inhaled, jumping to his feet before grabbing Janelle’s wrists and pulling her with him. They ducked low before slipping through the entryway, looking up as the dark shadow covered the property. They held their breaths as it completely blocked the light from the moon.
Elijah lifted his arm, but Janelle slapped her hand over his and pushed it down, stopping what magic he was trying to conjure.
“Don’t lose your strength,” she said. “We’re protected, Elijah. There’s a rune shield around and above the property. It can’t touch or see us here.”
They both looked up again, watching the shadow circle the property from above before swiftly disappearing as if the wind had blown it away.
Elijah listened intently, hearing the buzzing sound of the creature float back into the forest. The eerie noise tickled his ears.
Janelle lifted her head to meet his gaze. “Elijah, we did it. We survived that thing,” she said with a shaky voice as adrenaline coursed through her. Her gentle voice enveloped him like heat from the sun against his cheeks, helping him calm his raging heartbeat.
Elijah cradled Janelle against his chest. The feather-light touches of her fingers along his forearm made his chest swell. Her body felt warm against his as they kissed, melting into one.
He smoothed out her hair, then trailed his finger down to her collar bone, gliding across her skin. For a small moment, when they had raced to the mansion, he thought they would die. Seeing her in his arms, feeling her touch, and knowing she was safe was all he needed to breathe.
Elijah’s ears opened to boisterous laughter coming from inside.
“Are they having a party?” he asked. He wondered how they could not have sensed the creature coming toward the home. The music still played, and no sorcerer came charging through the door to stop them.
“Always parties,” she said, sitting up. “If Kieran is drunk, perhaps he won’t kill us right away.” She let out a laugh as if what she said was funny.
Elijah raised a brow. “Then let us not die today, shall we?” hesaid, holding out his hand.
Janelle placed her palm in his. “Kieran is a psychopath, but he can be reasoned with. We can only hope he’s in a good mood.”
A tiny branch cracked behind them before they could make their way inside. They froze at the sound and waited.
“Janelle?” a woman’s voice whispered from around the corner. Elijah silenced Janelle with a finger, placing it over her lips. She swatted it away and stepped forward.
Their attention turned to the woman as she came around the corner. She stood in a warrior stance, holding a black sword at her side with practiced ease. She looked lean and toned, like a fighter waiting to be called to action. She stood taller than most women, contributing to her overall intimidating presence. Her dark brown skin looked young, with a light dusting of freckles across her nose.Her black hair was slicked back into a tightly wrapped bun, and she wore a floor-length blue evening gown with a slit that reached the top of her thigh.
“Kora,” Janelle said with a broad smile. “It’s okay, Elijah.” She gently placed her hand on his to lower it, reassuring him not to attack. “Kora’s been my trainer for the last five years—a friend.”
“Is that the king?” Kora’s voice was feminine but with an edge of steel. The look she cast Elijah was no less sharp.
She looks like she hates me as much as Janelle did when we first met; the wry thought came to him, unbidden.
Janelle nodded. “Yes. Not dead, as you can see.” Her voice was soft, and without saying the words, Kora read her plea to keep silent on the issue.
“Kieran’s had a bit of wine tonight,” Kora said. “May I suggest you come in from the back to avoid the guards? I can speak with him first.” She eyed Elijah up and down. “Unless you’d like one more chance to complete your mission. I can cut off his head right now if you’d like.” The woman grinned and moved her sword out front.
Elijah turned to Janelle. “You’re right. She’s absolutely no threat at all. A harmless kitten in a ball gown,” he mocked.
“It depends on the day,” Janelle replied with a subtle smile. She turned back to Kora. “No need to use your weapon. I need to speak with Kieran, Kora, and with you by my side when I do it. Please.”
The woman glanced at Elijah one last time, and her features softened. “Alright,” she said, lowering the sword. “Follow me.”
ELIJAH HAD THROWNdozens of parties at the royal palace.
It goes with the crown, unfortunately, he thought. That party appeared to be no different. The atmosphere was libidinous and indulgent.