Elijah’s curiosity clawed at his insides as he opened his ears to listen more closely. All it would take was one mistake from her lips, and she might very well reveal her secrets.
“Except I didn’t die!” Aiden said. “Cassia released me two years ago and I joined forces with some pirates and a siren to save this very kingdom. Surely you heard the stories—”
“Yes,” she said, her eyes then turning to Elijah. He cocked his head curiously, watching her eyes bore into his. “I heard the stories about what Elijah and that crew did, but I didn’t know you were among them, and I most certainly didn’t know you’d been working for Matthias’s son since then.”
Her accusation sounded like poison coming from her lips. Elijah had to remind himself that she didn’t try to kill someone off the streets. She tried to kill the king, which meant treason—war. Under those circumstances, she wasn’t Aiden’s sister—she was an enemy of the crown, an enemy even to her brother, regardless of blood ties.
“You know, Aiden,” Janelle started, placing her napkin back on the table, “I think I’ll eat in my room.” Elijah slammed his hand hard on the table as she began to stand, rattling the plates.
She flinched.
“Sit. Down!” Elijah shouted, his words echoing off the walls. “You will eat here with me.” He slammed his hand on the table again. “Aiden, you may go now.”
“Go,” Elijah said, softening his tone. He was losing control again; his temper started to crack and seep into his vision. His magic roiled underneath his skin, wanting to punish.
Aiden gave the king a nod and leaned forward, lowering his voice, but Elijah could still hear the faint whispers.
“I will not be able to protect you from the king,” Aiden warned. “Do you understand what you have done?”
Her expression was unreadable.
“We are both not the same as we were back then,” she said, her voice growing louder. “You will blindly work for the royal family who has done nothing but destroy this kingdom and our species. You think that little coward at the end of this table is any different from his father?” Janelle turned her gaze from her brother and stared at Elijah. “You can torture or humiliate me all you want, you stupid little man. But if you think killing me will save you, you are more foolish than I thought.”
She rose to her feet, wrinkling her nose before she stepped to the side of the table. She attempted to move past Elijah, but he reached out, gripping hard at her wrist.
“Janelle, love,” he said, swallowing back his temper as she twisted her body to face him. “Do I have to tie you to the chair?”
They locked eyes before she yanked her wrist away. “You place your hands on me again, Elijah, and you will soon find out where Aiden’s loyalty really lies.”
The corner of Elijah’s mouth turned up as she left the dining hall, her feet stomping hard against the tile floor.
Elijah couldn’t believe he had let her go after such disrespect. He should’ve thrown her over his knee, hiked up that ridiculous dress to reveal her smooth skin, and then spanked her for her defiance until she was as red as the fabric. He made a mental note to create another humiliation for Janelle when he saw her again.
Aiden bit his bottom lip and leaned back against his chair with a sigh. “She is,” he started, “exactly how I remember her.”