The siren shook her head. “What power does the compass hold, Cassia?” Nola asked again, her body starting to shake. “What does it do?”
The queen’s smile faded. “If you turn the key right, you move through time into the future. Any time you want to go,” she explained.
Nola’s mouth fell open.
“If you turn it left,” she said, “it will take you to your past.”
Time travel, the siren said in her mind. How is that possible?
Nola mustered all the power she had and finally pried her fingers from the tree. She quickly stepped back.
It took the siren a few seconds to get her bearings. She held her stomach, taking a steady breath in. Her thoughts muddled as she remembered Elijah’s words in the realm he had trapped her in.
Oh, to the Gods. That’s it; her thoughts dawned on her. Prince Elijah is going back in time to kill the king and save his mother.