Brock ushered both girls over to the grills and watched as they piled their plates with all of the foods you would expect to see at a Fourth of July picnic and then some. There were hamburgers and hotdogs, barbeque chicken, corn on the cob, some kind of kabobs filled with meats and vegetables, and that was just on the grill. Then there was a tent with tables all around it with every kind of salad under the sun. There were bowls of fruits and vegetables, chips and dips, and desserts galore. The entire thing had to have cost the Ranch a fortune in food alone.

He kept his eye on the two girls while giving them some space to catch up without him hovering. Not that he hovered. Even if Ky sometimes said he did.

They found an empty picnic table and sat down to eat and chat. He would have loved a beer to go with the barbeque, but he had to stay sharp today. Without a manager, he felt the extra responsibility of making sure Kyra’s show went off without a hitch.

But just as Brock was about to get up to search for Derek, he approached the table and sat across from him.

“How goes it?”

“Everything looks great. You and your team do an incredible job.”

“Thanks. But what I meant was, how is Kyra doing? Is she okay after everything that happened?”

“She’s bouncing back pretty well. I’m sure that dickhead did some damage, but I’ll do my darndest to help her get through it.”

Derek nodded. “I know you will. You’re good for her.”

“You think so?”

Not that he needed any affirmation, but he’d grown to respect Derek in the short time they’d been at the Ranch, so maybe it did mean something.

“Yeah, I do. Sadie thinks so, too. And by the way, that offer to extend your stay here for a little longer is still open.”

“I’ll need to talk to Kyra, but I’m pretty sure we’ll accept. This place is good for her. And for me. We can be ourselves here, and honestly, it’s been almost as good for me as it has for her.”

“That’s sort of the whole idea of this place. And I think you two need some time together to work it all out.”

Brock nodded. “Yeah.”

Derek raised a brow. “Everything okay with you two?”

“Yeah, things are good. Better than good. But some time away from the world will be great for us both. Thanks, Derek. I’ll talk to Ky about it after the show.”

“Sounds good. We’re all looking forward to seeing her perform. The Littles are all going kind of crazy. You can see how many showed up today and it’s not just for the food.”

“I was wondering if you always get this kind of a crowd on the Fourth.”

“Always a crowd, yep. But this is definitely a bigger group than usual. Your Kyra is a good draw.”

That made Brock sit up a little straighter. He was so damn proud of his girl.

“I think she’ll put on a great show. Sound check went okay?”

“Oh, yeah, everything is in working order and we’re good to go. We have four techs at the ready, her guitars are already on the stage, two mics set up with two more for backup, just in case. The sound system is in great shape, and we’ve got lights ready to go tonight. You just let me know if there’s anything else she needs.”

“A few bottles of water near the mic?”

“Sure, that’ll be seen to. I should go see what trouble Sadie is getting into, but you have my cell if you need me.”


Kyra was suddenly at his elbow, she and her twin on their feet.

“Mister Derek, this is my sister Kierra. She’s going to be backstage with me, then watch the show from there with Brock.”

“Hi, Kierra. It’s nice to meet you, darlin’” Derek said. “Are you enjoying the Ranch so far?”

“Am I ever! This place is amazing!”