He squeezed both cheeks in turn before starting to pepper her bottom with solid, brisk smacks that seemed to echo throughout the room.

Brock could barely believe he had Kyra over his lap, her adorable, bare ass laid out in front of him just waiting for the punishment she so richly deserved. The last twenty-four hours had been a whirlwind, but he would do it all a thousand times over if he’d known it would have ended like this. Hearing about how awful she had been treated was hard, and he hated that she’d had to go through it, but it was good that he had the full picture so he’d be better able to give her what she needed. But hearing how much she knew she needed a firm hand to guide her was exactly what he’d had to hear from her, and he wanted to give her the punishment she’d earned so she could forgive herself for her poor choices.

He spanked her lily-white cheeks that were quickly turning pink under his hand. He tried not to think about how he had spanked her in the shower. That had been different. Sexy “in the heat of the moment” spankings were fun and exciting. He needed them both to understand the difference.

He began to lecture her. “Everything that happened yesterday could have been avoided had you followed the rule about not running off without me.” He spanked extra hard to punctuate the important words he was saying. Kyra whimpered and wiggled as he heated her skin. “If you had waited for me, then I would have been with you through the whole debacle, and you wouldn’t have had to take off and steal a horse.”

“I didn’t steal her,” Kyra whined. “I just borrowed her for a minute.”

“Borrowing without permission is stealing, and you knew the rules. You knew you were not allowed to ride alone.” He kept right on spanking even when he heard the hitch in Kyra’s breath and her cries and movements became more frantic. He was almost finished, but he needed to get her to a certain point before he deemed the spanking fully successful. He continued his lecture.

“I know you were upset yesterday, but there is never a good reason for you to put yourself or others in danger. Do you have any idea how many people would be upset if something were to happen to you? How would Kierra feel? Your new friends? Me? I don’t want to live in a world where you stop existing, little one.”

Those final words paired with some focused swats to the tender undercurve of her bottom seemed to be the perfect combination, because by the time he was finished speaking Kyra had stopped fighting him and wilted over his knee, sobbing. He rubbed her bottom, letting her cry for a minute before scooping her into his arms and hugging her to his chest.

“You’re a good girl, Ky. You took your spanking really well and you are forgiven.”

He kissed the top of her head and rocked back and forth with her until the hiccupping sobs slowed and she relaxed into him. He thought she’d fallen asleep until he heard her little voice.

“Thank you, Daddy.”

Holy hell, but he loved hearing her call him Daddy. They still had so many things to discuss, and they would when the time was right, but in that moment he was content to hold her and let her call him whatever she wanted to.

“You’re welcome, babygirl. How do you feel?”

She wiggled against his lap and then hissed. “A little sore. Spankings hurt.”

“Yes, they do.” He chuckled. “Wouldn’t be much of a deterrent if they didn’t, but I’m more concerned about how you feel on the inside.”

Kyra was quiet for a moment. “I don’t feel as guilty anymore. I feel like I was punished for doing something bad, but now it can be over and I can move on with a clean slate.”

“That’s the way punishments are supposed to work,” he told her. “You’re naughty, you get punished, you’re forgiven. And somewhere in that process you should learn a little something about yourself so you can not only do better next time but grow as a person.”

“I do feel like I’ve learned a lot. And I like the being forgiven part,” she said with a yawn.

She’d cried a lot, so he knew it was possible she could fall asleep. He looked at the clock and calculated the things they had to do that day. Her soundcheck wasn’t for a couple of hours, but he had no idea when her sister was supposed to show up. Deciding it didn’t matter, he turned his attention back to the precious girl in his lap.

“I think a little mid-morning nap is in order, unless you need some more breakfast? We have a busy day ahead of us.”

“I think I need a nap more right now. Will you still hold me?” she asked in a tiny voice.

“I’ll hold you as long as you’ll let me, baby.”

He meant so much with that statement that his heart clenched in his chest. He would hold her for the rest of their lives if she would have him, but there were a few things that absolutely had to change in order to make that happen.