She always could make him smile, the adorable little scamp. “Dessert for dinner, or in addition to dinner?” he teased.

“Well, there’s an idea!”

He rolled his eyes. “I’m getting up to grab a menu, then we’ll decide, okay?”

“Sure, as long as there’s dessert.”

“I’m sure you’ll see to it, Ky.”

“Oh, I will!”

He went to the living area, found a menu on a table and called into the bedroom, “You ever getting up, or what?”

“What if I want dinner in bed?”

He bit his tongue on the response he wanted to make because it wasn’t appropriate, but he couldn’t do much about the images of spending all evening in bed with her, maybe feeding her cake from a spoon, that rolled through his brain. Instead, he returned to the bedroom and handed the menu to her.

“Let me know what you want, Ky.”

She looked up at him, her big blue eyes blinking a few times, and in that moment of silence something passed between them. His body went hot, his mind went momentarily blank, and all he could do was blink back.

Damn it.

I know what I want. I want her.

He forced himself back to earth and said, “I just realized I left my ball cap downstairs. Why don’t you check out the menu and I’ll be back in a few minutes?”

“Oh, okay.”

He grabbed the room key, slipped his shoes on and headed out the door as fast as he could. He needed a minute to think. Or to recalibrate. Or something.

He headed downstairs, figuring he could step outside and take a minute to breathe some fresh air. When he reached the main level Derek was just coming out of his office and waved to him. Brock waved back, not sure if he wanted to face him right now or not. But Derek walked across the lobby toward him, and he couldn’t very well avoid him.

“Hey, Brock. I have a question about doing the sound check. You have a minute?”

“Yeah, sure.”

“Great. Let’s step into my office.”

Brock followed him in and Derek closed the door behind them.

“Is it okay if we do it around ten that morning? I don’t know if Kyra wants to be there, or if she’s okay having the techs take care of it since it’s just her mic and one for the guitars?”

“The techs can handle it. Thanks for checking in, though.”

“Hey, you okay, buddy?”

“Me? I’m fine. Why?”

“You seem distracted or something.”

“I am a little distracted. And also… something.”

Derek sat on the edge of his large wood desk. “Okay. Anything you want to talk about?”

“I don’t know. It’s not like me.”

“The ‘or something’ part or the talking part?”