Chapter 9

Kyra loved being carried in Brock’s strong arms. It made her feel more Little than ever. Plus, it was him, her Brock.

A part of her wanted to remind herself that she didn’t really belong to him, but she was too comfy and too Little and too sleepy. Once they got to their rooms, he took her to her bedroom and went to put her in her bed, but she squirmed and held on tight.

“Kyra, I can’t carry you around for your whole nap.”

“I’m pretty sure you could, though,” she said, feeling a bit sassy even if she was half asleep already.

He chuckled. “Okay, you’re probably right. But I should probably put you down.”

“Well, all right. But only if you put me in your bed.”



He let out a small huff. “Okay, into my bed, then.”

He crossed the living area to his room and laid her down on his bed, pulled her shoes off, then covered her with a blanket. “Better?”

She snuggled into the pillows, her voice muffled by them. “Maybe it would be better if you got in so I had someone to cuddle with?”

“I think you need to go to sleep, Ky. I can get one of your stuffies if you want. I have some things to take care of.”

“Like what?”

He shook his head, and she knew he hadn’t had anything else in mind; he was just being difficult. Well, she could be difficult, too!

“I don’t want my stuffies. I’m cold from the air conditioning and they can’t keep me warm like you do. They can’t keep me safe like you can,” she said to tempt him, but it was also true.

“You sure know how to get what you want,” he said.

“Yep,” she answered, grinning to herself and hiding it under the edge of the covers.

He got in behind her, spooning her, and it felt so good she never wanted to get out of the bed ever again. She reached back and took his hand, dragging his arm over her waist, and he huffed for a second, but then he relaxed and pulled her body in closer. He was so warm, and she could feel him behind her like a wall of muscle, and these were really not Little thoughts at all as her Big girl parts started that tingling thing again.

She wanted more than cuddles from him, even though she wasn’t supposed to be thinking about Brock that way. But she couldn’t help it. Especially when he was touching her, pressed right up against her, smelling like his clean t-shirt. Oh boy!

Nope. Not Little girl thoughts at all!

But one thing she was slowly discovering was that she could sort of move between Little and Big with him, and he just accepted whatever space she was in. Maybe it was one reason why she always felt so safe with him? And what could be bad about that? But her eyes were closing, and she couldn’t stay awake long enough to think about it.

I can talk to Kierra when she gets here.

That thought helped to settle her mind and she let herself drift off.

Brock tried to hold perfectly still. Part of him didn’t want to disturb her, although he knew she was exhausted and was probably out cold. Kyra was a hard sleeper, and a herd of stampeding horses wouldn’t wake her up right now. But a part of him didn’t want to do anything that would interfere with the magic of the moment, either.

Ky in his arms, fast asleep, in a state of utter trust. Nothing had ever felt better.

He realized he hadn’t managed to talk to Derek, so he guessed he was on his own with this, for now, anyway. Things were just confusing as all hell, mostly because he couldn’t step back from the situation and his feelings long enough to figure out if he had any right to be to Ky what he wanted to be. He also couldn’t predict what her reaction might be, even though it seemed likely that she’d be receptive. And God damn, when had he turned into someone who constantly questioned himself? He’d always been the kind of man who moved confidently through life, sure of his choices. But Kyra Marie Kicks sure had thrown a wrench into the gears that were his poor, befuddled brain these days.

He tried to shake it off and maybe get some nap time in himself, but she was right there, her slender body warm in his arms. The fact that she still wore her sweet little romper and frog t-shirt only made her more adorable to him.

He loved her for who she was: her sass, her creativity. He loved her Little side; it really was cute as hell. Irresistible, really. What a firecracker combination her two sides were! But as that thought went through his head, he realized that even when she was her Big self, the Little was always there. She always needed looking after, protection. It was who she was emotionally, not just because she was a Little. He knew creative folks were always more sensitive, but it went further than that with her. She was someone who felt everything.

His mind turned to that asshole Richard and the way he’d hurt Ky. She was actually handling it pretty well, but he knew Dickhead had wounded her trusting soul deeply. He would love nothing more than to read that asshole the riot act himself. It wasn’t exactly something he had a right to do as Kyra’s bodyguard, but he was having to admit he was a lot more than that. He felt a lot more than that.