Chapter 8

Sadie grabbed her hand and they headed for the elevator. Excited butterflies danced in Kyra’s belly the entire walk as she peppered Sadie with questions.

“Do you think anyone will recognize me?”

“Nah, I think your hair is the perfect cover. Oh, that reminds me, let’s stop in and see if Miss Amelia has any glasses you can use.”

“Will everyone be dressed in Little clothes?”

“Of course! I mean, everyone except the Daddies and Mommies and Aunties,” Sadie said.

“And can we color?”

“There are tons of coloring books, like you’ve never seen anywhere else, I bet! Coloring and all sorts o’ craft stuff, and bubbles and storybooks, and there’s always an Auntie around to read to us if you want. We have everything, and it’s gonna be so much fun! Promise!” Sadie answered all her questions as quickly as Kyra could ask them.

They got to the mouth of the Littles’ wing and Kyra froze right where the carpet turned to white tile. Sadie stopped too.

“You okay? If you aren’t ready for this we can do something else. We can go to the big house and I can show you my room, or we can…”

“No, I want to do this. I’m just nervous. You’re the only other Little I’ve ever met.”

“I know, but I think you’re really going to love it and if you don’t then we can leave. There’s no pressure, only fun.”

Kyra loved that she felt so comfortable with her new friend, and she trusted her implicitly. “No pressure, just fun,” she repeated. “I’m ready.”

She took the first step over the threshold and the fun began almost instantly. They made their way to the wardrobe department for a cute pair of black-rimmed glasses that kind of made her feel like Harry Potter with magical powers.

“Sadie! Wait up!”

Two girls ran up to them. One she recognized as Wren, who had been at the stables the day before, only she looked a lot different not dressed in Ranch clothes. She had on a white shirt with a sparkly pink silhouette of a horse running and short jean shorts that were worn on the bottom.

“Hi, I’m Wren. We met at the stables yesterday.” She smiled and Kyra’s stomach sank. No one was supposed to recognize her. Wren gave her hand a squeeze and winked and somehow Kyra knew exactly what the other Little was trying to tell her. Her secret was safe with Wren.

“Yes, I remember. Hi, I’m….” Shoot! Who was she supposed to be? She couldn’t be Kyra. She almost said Kierra but that was too close. Think, Ky, think. “I’m um, Marie.” She settled on her middle name.

“Hi, Marie, I’m Hayleigh.” The other girl stuck out her hand. “I love your hair so, so much.”

“Thanks.” Kyra smiled, feeling her nerves settle.

“Are you going to class?” Hayleigh asked Sadie.

“Not right now. I’m going to show Marie around a bit. It’s her first time at the Ranch.”

“Am I making you miss class?” Ky asked, intrigued at the idea of going to school. “We could go to your class if I’m allowed. That sounds kinda fun.”

“Sure, it’s allowed. I just wasn’t sure what you’d want to do so Daddy got me excused, but if you want to go, let’s go.”

They headed down the hall and passed rooms with Littles of all ages in them. Once they got further down the hall where the lockers lined the walls, Kyra giggled. “It’s like walking through a time machine. This place is amazing.”

They entered a classroom with a handsome man standing up front behind a large wooden teacher’s desk.

“Sadie, I thought we weren’t going to have the pleasure today.” The man smiled and winked.

“I thought you would miss me too much, so I decided to come to class. Mr. Rodgers, this is Marie. She’s visiting.”

“Nice to meet you, Marie. Why don’t the four of you take a seat so we can get started?”

Kyra smiled shyly. “Nice to meet you too.”