“You can have whatever you want. I’m not the boss of you.”

“Ooh, I am so going to remind you of that later on!”

“Hey, now.”

She giggled as she took a seat at the small round table by the big windows overlooking the rolling hills, golden now with the summer heat.

“That’s a cute outfit,” he said, pouring himself a cup of coffee from the tall thermos.

“Thanks!” she answered, secretly pleased that he liked it.

It was an awfully cute outfit. It was a denim romper with a lime green t-shirt under it that had little froggies printed all over, plus matching green ankle socks and a pair of white sneakers.

“It’s perfect for your Little’s playdate with Sadie. She should be here soon, so eat up.”

“I’m so excited! I can’t wait to see what they have to play with. And to just get to hang out with Sadie all day, and maybe meet some other Littles. I never get to be small with other Littles, you know? Except for with Kierra sometimes, but we live so far away from each other, and with touring I hardly ever get to see her. And… she didn’t really like Richard much, so she kinda stayed away. But that’s all over now, and I plan to make it up to her, starting when she gets to the Ranch. Meanwhile, I get to have a Little’s day, and I can’t wait!”

“I think it’s going to be a very special day for you,” Brock agreed.

She loved that he understood how important this was to her. But a part of her also realized she might miss him, being away all day. Huh. That was something to think about. But later. Now she had to finish her pancakes and bacon and the orange juice he’d ordered for her so she’d be ready when Sadie got there.

She felt herself slipping into Little space already, and it felt good. She was going to get to be Little all day! That was something that had rarely happened, and never in a place like Rawhide Ranch.

A few minutes and two slices of bacon later there was a knock at the door, and she jumped up and ran to open it.

“Hi, Sadie! Oh my gosh, I am so excited!” She started talking before she even had the door all the way opened.

“Hi, Kyra! Oh, I like your t-shirt. I love froggies! Are you ready to go play all day with me? We’re gonna have so much fun! Mr. Brock, do you have something to do today while we’re playing? Because if you don’t, my Daddy will help you find something. He’s good at keeping everyone happy. There’s classes and stuff too, you know, in case you want to learn about being a Daddy or anything like that.”

“I’ll be just fine, Sadie, but thank you for asking. You two run along and have a great day.”

Kyra turned to smile at Brock. “Thanks, Rock. I’ll be back later!”

“Wait a sec. Sadie, you’ll stay with her the whole time? Maybe I should walk you.” He started to stand but Ky put up both her hands.

“Rock, you're not even dressed. We want to go.”

He looked down at his pajama pants and sighed. “Straight to the Littles’ wing and straight back here. No detours and under no circumstances are you to leave this building.”

Kyra rolled her eyes, but Sadie responded.

“Yes, sir. I promise. And I’ll come upstairs with her when we’re done. ‘K, Mr. Brock?”

“That sounds good. Thanks. Be good and have fun.”

“Sure, Mr. Brock! Kyra, ready to go?”


An entire day to be Little, with a new friend! And then she’d get to come back and spend time with Brock. This day couldn’t get any better!