“Evening, Derek,” Brock greeted him. “We had a great day, didn’t we, Kyra?”

“Oh, yes, we had a really good time, thanks. The land around the Ranch is so pretty.”

“Excellent. We can arrange for you to ride any time you like.”

“That would be great! Thanks!” Kyra said, glad for the distraction.

Brock and Derek talked for a few minutes about her upcoming show, leaving her to turn over her own thoughts.

Didshe have a crush on Brock? Is that what these feelings were? And if so, what did it mean? Was she just lonely after everything that happened with Richard? She was a little bit lonely, sure, but that didn’t really explain all of these feelings she was suddenly having.

It was confusing. And it felt good. And she really needed to talk to her sister about it because lately he made her feel Little a lot more often. A lot.

But Brock was not going to be a Daddy to her. That was stupid and wrong and totally impossible. Wasn’t it?