“I can’t wait to have you all to myself,” the Daddy-stealing whore said.

“Come here, baby, and show Daddy how bad you want that engagement ring.”

His voice was low and lustful. Kyra had loved when she got him to that point because it meant they were going to have naughty times together. Now it made her want to vomit.

Her stomach roiled and before she could get sick all over the car, the door was flung open, and she was being pulled out. Her phone was seized from her hand as she went down on her knees and promptly threw up. Brock gathered the hair at the nape of her neck and held on to her.

It felt like it took forever to empty the contents of her stomach, but when the heaving finally stopped, Kyra fell backwards onto her butt on the gravel road.

“What is happening?” Kyra pulled her knees to her chest and laid her forehead against them. “How could this happen?”

Brock stayed silently at her side, just as he always did, as she worked through what she’d just heard.

“He’s cheating on me. He used me. I trusted him with everything, and he used me.”

Anger boiled inside of her. How could she have been so stupid? Richard had been super available and attentive to her in the beginning, but lately he had been disappearing, not keeping his promises, and constantly standing her up. Basically, for anything other than business, he had been absent. She should have seen it. She should have listened to Kierra from the beginning–she’d never trusted Richard. Her twin would never steer her wrong. God, why hadn’t she listened?

After a few minutes of silence, Brock spoke gently. “Ky, we need to get out of the heat and off the drive. I’m going to put you back in the car now, all right?”

Kyra nodded and he lifted her up and placed her back in her seat. Grabbing her water bottle, he held it up to her lips. “Drink,” he ordered gently.

She obeyed without question, fine with letting him take care of her for the time being. She was angry at the world, angry at Richard and whoever that whore of a woman was. She was angry at herself, too, but mostly she was numb. Completely numb.

Brock held tight to the rage that threatened to consume him. He knew Richard was a scumbag, but that had been none of his business as long as Kyra was mostly happy, but this? He hadn’t expected it. In hindsight, he probably should have and that pissed him off even more. He hoped this place had a gym because he needed to work through some of the fury, and the only way to do that was through a hard and painful workout with as much weight as he could get his hands on and probably some time on the speed bag.

He glanced at Kyra in the mirror. Her head was back against the seat and her sweet face was ghostly pale. Brock was worried about her, but there was nothing he could do right then. He needed to get them checked in and into a room, then he would see what she needed.

He drove up to the huge building and parked in front of the doors. “I’m going to go inside and get us checked in. You stay put,” he told her. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

He figured she wasn’t in the mood to come in and risk being recognized. From what he had heard from Kyra herself, a lot of the Littles were huge fans of hers, and she was not in a place to receive that kind of attention at the moment.

Brock locked the doors behind him and went inside. Hopefully it wouldn’t take long because he really didn’t want her out of his sight at all, let alone after the bomb that had just been dropped on her. He climbed the few steps up onto the porch and the giant double doors. Opening them, he stepped inside and took a second to look around. As much as his mind was on Kyra, he couldn’t help but appreciate the design and architecture of the resort. It was very obviously western, but in a high end and classy manner with red, white, and blue decorations sprinkled all around for the upcoming Fourth. He noticed the registration desk off to the side and approached it. A young woman with short dark hair smiled warmly at him.

“Welcome to Rawhide Ranch, you must be Brock. I’m Erika and I have you all checked in and your key cards right here. You can leave your things and Moses will bring them to your room and park your car for you,” she said, tapping on the screen in front of her.

The front gate security guard must have alerted her to their arrival.

“Actually, we were hoping to be a little bit discreet. It's been a long day and Kyra needs to recharge before she interacts with any fans.”

Erika nodded. “That’s completely understandable. The Littles are crazy excited to have a star at the Ranch. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little bit excited myself. Here’s Moses now; he can take you around the building and you can come in through the side door. He is deaf, so if you speak to him make sure he’s looking at you so he can read your lips. If you have any questions, feel free to call the desk, there’s always someone here who can help you out.”

Brock nodded. “Thank you, Erika.”

He turned to find Moses waiting for him. Brock was a little surprised. He was usually the largest person in the room by a long shot, but Moses was a big man.

He was feeling a little bit more at ease as they got closer to getting settled in their rooms. Erika signed some things to Moses and the other man nodded and smiled at Brock. Brock put his hand out and Moses shook it. Silently, they headed back toward the front doors.

As soon as Brock pushed through the door and walked back outside, he cursed under his breath. Kyra’s car door was open, and she was gone. They hadn’t even been on the Ranch for an hour and she had already run off on him. It was going to be a long week. Thankfully, he knew exactly where to find her.

He turned to Moses. “Can you take me to the horse stables?”

Moses nodded and gestured to an area off to the side where a couple of golf carts sat. He nodded and followed Moses. He didn’t know how far the stables were but knowing Kyra, that’s where she was headed. She loved horses.

The drive to the stables was short, but with the afternoon heat beating down Brock was glad for the ride, and he was even happier when he could make out Kyra’s willowy form leaning against the fence stroking one of the horse’s noses, her long blonde hair rippling in the slight breeze. Her face was a blank mask and she held her body rigidly tight.

“I thought I told you to stay put,” Brock said as he approached.

“You’re not the boss of me,” she retorted, but it was void of all the sass she usually flung at him.