Chapter 6

“I love it!” Kyra squealed when Jackie finally revealed her new look.

She moved her head around. It felt so light and airy and fresh, and the brilliant blue did the most amazing things to her eyes. They almost glowed. Or maybe she was just deliriously happy? She honestly couldn’t remember the last time she had felt so… free.

Turning around, she faced Brock and Sadie. “Meet the new me!” she announced proudly.

Sadie covered her mouth with her hands. “Oh. Em. Gee. That hairstyle was made just for you!”

Kyra ran her hands up her bare neck through the short buzz cut and up to the tips of the spikes. “Right? I love it so much. And the color? Do you like it, Sadie?”

“I love it! It’s so pretty on you!”

Brock stood there staring at her, and she couldn’t quite identify the look in his eyes. “I’m glad you did this for yourself, Ky,” he said with a nod of approval.

“You know what I just thought of?” Sadie asked.

Kyra turned back to her. “What?”

“With your new hair no one will recognize you and you could totally come see the Littles’ wing with me tomorrow. It would be so fun!”

Kyra’s tummy twisted with nerves. “I don’t know. Do you really think it would work?”

Sadie nodded. “We could even get you some fake glasses. I think there are some in the uniform department.”

“Why would fake glasses be in the uniform department?”

Sadie shrugged. “We have everything. Sometimes teachers or Mommies or Daddies wear them to look more intimidating, I think. Sometimes Littles just want to wear them. Whatever helps everyone get in the right headspace for the experiences they want or need.”

“That’s pretty cool,” Kyra said. “But hair and glasses aside, I don’t think I can hide this guy in plain sight.” She thumbed toward Brock. “I doubt other Littles come with their own personal bodyguard.”

“No, not usually.” Sadie pondered. “Mr. Brock, if I promise we will stay in the Littles’ wing would you please consider letting Kyra come hang out for a few hours without you? It’s always supervised in there and super safe.”

Brock hadn’t said a word up until that point, and Kyra had no idea what he would say. His earlier threat popped into her mind, and she considered the possibility of testing that little boundary he’d set. She was really curious about how he would respond. Probably more curious than she was letting herself dwell on at the moment.

“I’ll think about it,” he answered.

“Sadie Hawkins.” Derek’s voice boomed through the store. He didn’t sound upset, he was just so loud, and his voice seemed to vibrate through the room. “Time to call it a day, angel.”

“Daddy, I need you to tell Mr. Brock that the Littles’ wing is safe and he doesn’t have to shadow Kyra there.”

“I’m not going to tell Brock how to do his job, little one. I can, however, promise that I have made it my mission in life to make sure that wing is the safest place on the planet for our Littles. We have top notch security and I trust the staff with my life.”

“And my life.” Sadie nodded.

“Yes, and my angel’s life. So, if she would be safe anywhere, it’s there.”

Brock nodded. “Thanks. I told the girls I’d think about it.”

“Sounds good. If you have any questions, give me a call. The front desk can always put you straight through to me.”

“I appreciate that. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” He turned to Kyra. “You look radiant, darlin’.”

She could feel the blush burn her cheeks at his praise. “Thank you.”

“You’re most welcome. You folks have a nice night.”