“I’m fine. Please just go.” I wipe a tear before it leaks down my cheek.
He pushes again, but this time I give up, and walk over to my window. I hear the click of the door.
“Baby, please talk to me.”
“Don’t. Maverick.” I close my eyes. “Don’t call me that when you literally have a woman in your room waiting for you right now.”
“Tanner, I don’t ha-”
“Just stop.” I turn to face him. “I’m leaving. I’m moving back into the apartment.”
“You are not leaving.” He takes two strides and he’s right in front of me.
My body’s reaction is to touch him, but I control it by gripping the sides of my dress.
“I can’t be here Maverick.” I whisper.
His hand reaches up to my jaw, but I turn from his touch.
“I’m just letting you know. I’m leaving tonight. I really don’t care what you say, or what you think.”
I can see the slight flinch in his shoulders when my words hit him. “I can’t be in this room next to you while you…” I trail off and shake my head.
These fucking tears.
I clear my throat. “I’m going downstairs. I was informed by your…. whatever she is…...that it may get loud in the next few minutes.”
Before he has a chance to defend himself, I’m out the door and down the stairs.
I can’t even look at him. It hurts too much.
I ended up staying. Of course, Travis threw a tantrum about me going to the apartment, but after enough convincing, he says I could possibly move back this weekend.
“Get dressed T, it’s girls night!” Dani leans her head in my room and winks.
“Girls night? Where?”
“Maxi’s. Come on. Mom, and Ember are going too.” She gives me the shooting pistols with her hands as she backs out into the hall.
A girls night actually sounds perfect. I’ve had a few days to mope around about Maverick. I’m ready to let loose. If he can have a good time whenever he pleases, so can I.
The wild music is soothing my heartache at Maxi’s. Gerry snuck me and Dani tequila shots and Maxine pretended to not see us grab two beers from the cooler. There isn’t a large crowd tonight, but there’s a handful tables of couples and then a bigger table of young bikers. One is actually Sniper. The one who allegedly gave me alcohol that time.
The drinks had me and Dani feeling brave, so we ended up on the dance floor near the bar. An hour later I was feeling better than good and two strong hands that belonged to Sniper rested on my hips as we danced. The door opened and a handful of guys from the club came in. I know I saw Widow, Romeo, Tank, and Boston for sure. No Travis or Maverick.
“American Woman” by Lenny Kravitz came through the speakers and I jumped up on the bar. Dani screamed and cheered as Sniper and another guy, I think his name might be Deuce, jumped up there with me. I was burning up, so I took off the blue jean vest I was wearing and just sported my spaghetti strap crop top. It’s muggy as hell here.
I was sandwiched between both of them, swaying my hips as their hands roamed all over me. I lost myself in the music, when a hand lifts my chin, and lips pressed to mine. My first thought was that these are not Maverick’s, but I forced myself to kiss Sniper back. I’m not letting Maverick spoil my fun. I haven’t gotten the chance to experience much life in the last four years and I’m determined to change that.
Evidently, I spoke too soon.
The music shut off in the middle of the song and when I looked across the room, those dark eyes seared into me. Maverick practically shook with rage as he stormed towards me, and I noticed an equally pissed off Travis behind him.
So much for girls' night.