Chapter 3
It’s Monday morning. I stare at myself in the mirror because for four years I have put on nothing but a skirt and polo to go to class. I take in my skinny jeans and black t-shirt feeling free as a freaking bird. The fact that something as small as an outfit can give me this feeling is tragically sad.
Travis came home last night and stayed here since it’s my first night in a new place. We ate dinner together and caught up on what’s been going on in our lives the last six years. My list was painfully short. Boarding school is a real bummer. Travis said he works as a mechanic in town, and he has been there since he was sixteen. He made mention of the clubhouse again, but I didn’t pry. I figured he would tell me when he’s ready. I’m already prying into his life enough just by being here. I asked him if he had a girlfriend, but he just laughed and said he isn’t the “girlfriend type.” Whatever that means.
I slide on my new Vans before swiping up my backpack. Locking the door behind me, I take the short elevator ride downstairs and walk out to my car. The sun is already shining, and the weather is mildly muggy this morning. I made my drive with my windows down and played some music to ease my jitters. As I pulled up to Paradise High, I said a silent prayer. I hate being “the new girl.” I’m expecting the whispers and looks, so I hold my head up high as I walk through the metal doors and into the crowded hallway. I received a few questioning stares, but I made it to the office and spoke with Ms. Howard about my schedule without incident.
Walking into my first period class, I bypass the open desks and take a seat at the back. My eyes scan the room to see if I can pinpoint the dynamic. Even at a Catholic school we had the usual cliques. I automatically spotted the “Queen B.” Her bleached blonde hair is in perfect waves, and her body looks like she stepped right out of Hugh Hefner’s mansion. I’m not necessarily lacking in the boob department, but this girl has to have some silicone under that pink camisole. She definitely gives the old money vibes. Her posse walks over. Two girls who share a similar style, but you can tell by their demeanor they know their spot on the hierarchy. The back corner holds the weirdos. The ones that look like they don’t belong and are angry at the entire world. To the left of me is the geek squad. They look like they are prepping for the debate team. Something about global warming, I didn’t really catch the whole conversation. Then finally, the jocks. Three jaw dropping boys walk in. They pretty much pull the attention of every female in the room. Even the teacher. Yeah, I saw that Mrs. Tod. The ringleader surveys the desks and pauses when his eyes land on me. Great. A smile pulls at his lips as he sits down at the front. He looks at me like I'm his next victim. Ain’t happening hot stuff.
The same group was in all of my classes. I’m guessing we are all seniors, so that must be the reason. It is a fairly small school. We are even allowed to leave campus for lunch, which I find to be a relief. Hopefully, I can manage a few more months. I’m not really sure I fit in here.
When I finally made it home, my mind was tired. Trying to learn the building layout and all my teachers' names is exhausting. I’m walking to my door when I spot a girl leaning up against the wall beside it. Her brown hair hangs past her shoulders, with pink and purple streaks weaved throughout. She has on a black leather jacket, jean shorts over fishnet leggings, and black lace up boots. My eyes examine the hall.
“Ummm, can I help you?” I ask with a creased brow.
Who is this girl?
She looks up from her phone and smiles as she stuffs it in her back pocket. “Hey girl, Tanner, right?”
“Yeah…I’m sorry, who are you?” I ask as I pull out my keys.
“Oh duh, sorry. I’m Dani, Dom sent me.” She throws a hand on her hip and smacks her gum.
“Who is Dom?” I ask in confusion.
She laughs. “Oh shit, right. I forgot. Your brother, Travis.”
“Travis? Why do you call him Dom?” I’m totally lost here.
She waves a hand in the air and her purple polished nails snag my attention. “Never mind that, let’s get inside. You got a creeper in unit 20,” she says, hiking a thumb over her shoulder.
I glance back at the neighbor’s door and shutter as I put my key in the lock. Walking into the kitchen, I toss my bag on the table as Dani follows behind me.
I open up the fridge. “Want anything?”
“Nah girl, I’m good.”
I pull out a bottle of water. “So, how do you know my brother?”
She sits at the table and crosses her fishnet legs. “I’ve known him for a while. Ever since he came to the club.” She taps her nails as she takes me in. “You kind of favor him. I like the red.”
“Yeah…I guess we do.” I sat down across from her. “So, why did he send you?” I tilt my head.
“He thought you could use a female friend. Believe me, I just graduated last year from Paradise High. I know exactly the kind of people that go there.” She rolls her big brown eyes. “A bunch of snobby bitches.”
“You ain’t lying,” I mumble as I take a drink.
I think I like this girl. She’s edgy.
“Well, I’ve lived here my whole life. Anything you want to do, or anywhere you want to go, I'm your girl,” she smiles.
It’s actually genuine. I don’t think I saw a single genuine smile at St. Peter’s.
“So, he told me about your boarding school….do you need to go shopping? I’m assuming all you wore were those atrocious outfits.”
I laugh out loud. “They were hideous.”
She stands from the table. “Well then, Tanner. I think it’s time you let me show you what our small town of Paradise, Louisiana, has to offer.”
I stand up as she loops our arms together. “And I convinced Dom…I mean Travis, to give you shopping money.” She pulls two hundred dollar bills from her bra. “Here.”
I take the money, stunned, as she sashays out the door.
I may have just hit the jackpot.