Page 22 of Concede

Chapter 13


I showered. God, forbid I waited an hour until my room was ready. I’m quite sure it was more about Maverick puffing out his chest and showing me he’s the boss. I get it, he’s the king around here, but he’s got another thing coming if he thinks I’m just going to bow down to him. I’m not a part of this world, so technically, his range of power does not fall over me. Right? I'm standing in a towel, waiting for Dani to bring me some clean clothes. She got here ten minutes ago, so I’m patiently staring at the tile grout while I wait.

I glance around the bathroom. It looks like your typical man’s bathroom. Maverick’s cologne sits on the counter next to his toothbrush and deodorant. At least he’s got good hygiene. A knock on the door pulls me from my trance and I hear Dani’s voice on the other side. “It’s me T.”

I unlock the door and she barreled through. “I hope you are ok with this. It’s the first thing I came across.”

She hands me the cut off shorts I bought a while back and a T-shirt. “This is fine.”

Dani jumps up on the counter and I raise a brow. She rolls her eyes. “Tanner we all got the same stuff. Stop being so modest.”

I shrug and drop my towel. I slip into my lace thong and reach for my bra.

“Damn girl. You got a rocking body.” Dani smiles and looks down at her own boobs.

“Stop it.” I laugh. “Look at you. You’re like a Victoria Secret model with pink hair.”

She laughs and jumps off the counter. “Come on. Let's go get us something to eat. All this excitement has me starved.”

I recall Maverick’s orders to not leave unless he or Travis come to get me, but I push that to the back of my mind. I’m with Dani, so it should be fine.

We made it to the kitchen without getting ambushed, so Maverick can rest easy. The party was going strong, the same scenery as the last one. My mortification level has dropped a notch but it’s still a culture shock. We were able to score ham sandwiches and leftover apple pie.

“Hey Dani.” A guy that looks a little older than us with curly brown hair slides up beside her.

“Hey Dice.” She smiles.

“You wanna go for a walk?” He asks.

A walk? Is that what the kids are calling it nowadays?

She glances over at me. Then back to him.

I nudged her shoulder. “Go on. I'll be fine. Which room is mine?”

She gives me a thankful expression. “Last one on the left. It’s next to Maverick’s.”

Of course it is.

Dice takes her hand, weaving her through the crowd to the back door. I grab my water and turn around with a wiggle of my fingers. I halt my step when I see Travis at the end of the hall, but I don’t think he sees me. His eyes are looking past me. He’s glaring at Dani and Dice. When the door shuts, he shakes his head and turns back for the main room. I let out a breath and snuck to the staircase, trying my best not to get impregnated on the way to my room.

Feeling proud of the fact I made it downstairs and back without getting reprimanded, I reached for the doorknob to my new room. As luck would have it, Maverick’s door opens and he walks out, buttoning up his shirt. I took a brief look at his abs, and I swear I saw a tattoo that went well below the waistband of his jeans. Did I just see the “V” I’ve heard so much about? An obnoxious giggle fills the hallway, and a girl staggers out from behind him. She looks like that chick in the flag bikini from earlier. A hint of jealousy spikes in my veins. Why I would be jealous of her I have no clue. She probably just caught gonorrhea from him anyway.

He glances over at me and winks, while the blonde hangs on his arm as they descend down the stairs. I groan and push open the door. Stepping into my room I gasp. I will admit, I’m a little shocked. Most of the things from my room at the apartment are in here, and it’s almost set up exactly the same. I shuffle forward and fall face first on my bed and inhale my favorite detergent scent that’s embedded in my comforter. I can still hear the music from downstairs, but it’s now just a faint beat. This has been a long freaking day. Not exactly how I planned to spend my eighteenth birthday. I close my eyes and let the comfort of my bed absorb all my anxiety from the day. I’m just about to drift when I hear a knock at my door.

You gotta be kidding me.

I don’t make a move. I’m too comfortable. Maybe if I pretend to be asleep, they will go away. I hear the door open and close. Heavy footsteps move hastily towards my bed. I don’t even have to look to know who it is. He has a presence about him.

“So, I guess you can just let yourself into my room whenever you please too?” The sarcasm is not hidden in my tone.

My cheek is pressed against the fabric, facing to the left. A pair of blue jean thighs invade my line of vision and I glance up to see Maverick’s scowl.

“It’s my clubhouse.” The bed dips as he sits down next to me.

I roll over on my side and prop up on my elbow.