Page 110 of The Crush Next Door

Red Hot Chili Peppers

I slunk down against his door and heard a sniffing sound right near my butt. Magic. At least, Magic still liked me. Was Josh inside and avoiding me? Did he think I'd get back together with Devon?

Maybe he was in the bathroom. Or maybe he'd passed out on his bed and didn't hear me.

With renewed hope, I reached for my phone that I'd stuffed into my tight shorts. First, I tried calling him. Voicemail. Fuck. I texted him, then called once more. Nothing. Again.

Nerves churned around in my stomach, making me feel suddenly nauseous. I counted to sixty, taking slow breaths, trying to figure out what to do.

One last call. And this time, as his phone rang, I heard the ringtone coming from inside his apartment. So he was definitely there.

Should I be worried? Was he okay? Or did he just not want to see me?

Why the hell had Devon interrupted us? The timing was awful. Beyond awful. If he hadn't shown up right then, I was sure Josh and I would be tearing each other's clothes off. Actually, we'd probably already be on round two. If Josh would actually do the deed. But the way he'd been looking at me all day, I was pretty damn sure that's where we'd been headed.

Completely dejected, I decided to go back to my place. Maybe I'd try knocking on the bedroom wall a few times. I wasn't ready to give up completely.

"See you later, Magic," I whispered as I used the door to help me stand up.

Holding onto the rail, I made my way down Josh's stairs, crossing the short distance to my own before climbing up. One, two, three, four, five...

A noise behind me caught my attention, and I turned around.

It was Josh!

My crushed heart leapt to life, pounding against my ribcage. Even in the deepening darkness, I could see his big smile.

"Hey," he said, his sexy voice making me melt with only that one simple word.

"Hi," I answered, rushing down the five steps to get closer.

His grin grew wider as I came near and noticed the bag in his hand.

"You went to the store?" I asked, the answer too simple to comprehend. Josh hadn't been mad at me or ignoring me or anything. He hadn't been home.

"Yep. Walked to the corner market for a few things. In case I had to spend the rest of my birthday alone."

His smile faded as the implication of his words echoed between us.

Not wanting even a second of misunderstanding, I quickly said, "Devon's gone." Josh didn't say anything while I searched his deadly serious face. "For good," I added. "And you know why?"

"Why?" he asked in a rough voice.

My nerves threatened to overwhelm me because here was the moment I'd been waiting for, dreaming of, obsessing over. Inhaling deeply, I tried to calm the adrenaline. "So here's the thing... I want you. You. Josh."

For a long moment, I held my breath, staring at him with widened eyes, trying to see his expression from the faint light still remaining in the sky. But he seemed to stand there like some kind of statue, frozen, as if time itself had stopped, waiting to hear what Josh would say.

And then something miraculous happened. The brightness in Josh's eyes was only matched by his sudden smile, a smile so infectious that I felt my own lips turn up in a matching grin.

So the two of us just stood there staring at each other like total dumb-asses, smiling away, not saying a thing.

No words were needed. Our eyes said everything, sending sparks all around us with the blazing heat that passed between us.

God, I couldn't wait any longer. I closed the distance and grabbed his free hand, pulling him along behind me as we rushed up my steps, Josh's eagerness equal to mine, something I could feel.

For once, I hadn't locked my door, and I threw it open, absolutely dying to have my way with Josh. And he must have felt the same because he slammed the door behind us, dropped the bag on the floor, and shoved me against the wall.

I didn't have time to think because his lips were on me in an instant, rough and wild, out of control with passion that infused every nerve ending in my body. His body pushed against me, leaving no space between us, locking us together.